
发布时间:2014-12-16 19:47:50   来源:文档文库   


Unit 1 New life, New Beginning

Reading one

Task one reading for general ideas

1. The author thinks that she can change herself only by not worrying about yesterday any more.

2. The author will welcome mysteries and overcome what barriers there may be which hinder her quest for self-improvement.

Task two reading for details

. 1. D 2. B 3. B 4. D 5. A

. The word “gift” refers to the valuable time cherished by the author in her life.

. The author has made up her mind to make many changes in her life in order to be a new and better self in the future.

Reading two

1. They are not helping future college students become successful, but setting them up for failure on campus and in their future.

2. The author suggests that freshmen should not give up before they spend some time on campus or know more about their roommates. She thinks that they should try spending more time getting to know each other to see whether they can solve the problems together.

3. They should not procrastinate. They should manage their time properly. They should remember what is more important and do it first.

4. An academic advisor can not only help students register for classes, but also help them to make plans. He/she can play a key role in students’ college career and can help them to design plans for their further study.

5. Professors are important people in college. They are both friends and instructors to the students. They can serve as students’ connections for possible jobs, and employment/graduate school references.

Reading three

1. Y 2. Y 3. NG 4. N 5. Y 6. Y 7. N 8. Y

Reading four

Reading five

1. B 2. D 3. D 4. C 5. B

Unit 2 Holidays

Reading one

Task one reading for general ideas

1. The first Thanksgiving celebration in American was held on December 4, 1619.

2. The US Congress declared the fourth Thursday in November, known as Thanksgiving, to be a legal national holiday in the year 1941.

Task two reading for details

. 1. Y 2. Y 3. NG 4. N 5. N

. 1. 1668 2. 1619 3. 1621 4. 1777 5. 1623 6. 1789 7. 1863 8. 1941

. She kept writing to make Thanksgiving a legal and permanent national holiday.

Reading two

1. A 2. D 3. A 4. C 5. C

Reading three

1. Y 2. Y 3. N 4. N 5. NG

Reading four

1. A 2. B 3. D 4. A 5.B

Reading five

1. The seven capital F’s stand for: Families, Friends, Food, Fireworks, Freeze, Freedom and Fun.

2. A lot of children live with their grandparents at home because their parents have left to work in cities and other provinces.

3. The author regards the ready meal concept as a threat to New Year’s Eve dinners at home. He supports the made-in-home meals prepared by family members on such family reunions as the Spring Festival.

4. The two most important F’s are Freedom and Fun because the author believes that the Spring Festival holiday frees people from routine work and enables them to further think and plan. Meanwhile the holiday is characterized by happiness, enjoyment and fun.

5. The author compares fireworks set off during the Spring Festival with the one displayed in 2008 Beijing Olympics, both of which are spectacular, impressive and unforgettable.

Unit 3 Friendship

Reading one

Task one reading for general ideas

1. Friends are something most invaluable in the world.

2. Friendship means neither jealousy nor envy/not jealousy or envy. Friends share what each other has and support each other.

Task two reading for details

. 1. C 2. B 3. C 4. D 5. A

. Friendship is not jealousy or envy.

. 1. Friendship is what happens when it’s your first day at school and you’re afraid to talk to anybody, but then one person talks to you and all you say in the first few conversations is, Me, too! or I can’t believe that happened to you, too!

2. Friendship is what gets you through all the third-grade boys making fun of you.

3. Friendship is about pushing the humor and rules further than the ordinary person could, but not going too far.

4. Friendship is studying for finals together and getting home in time for curfew when the other one doesn’t even have one.

5. Friendship is going to see her in her first musical, when you have hours of homework to do.

6. Friendship is studying for the SATs together.

7. Friendship is what helps you decide which college to go for---the one you’ve been dreaming of your whole life or the one you can afford.

8. Friendship is opening for your friend that incredibly thin, deathly white envelope that holds the key to her future.

9. Friendship is helping each other pack for college, coming across old albums, and spending four hours crying and laughing over all the memories instead of actually packing.

10. Friendship is calling each other after the first week of college, because you miss high school days.

11. Friendship is taking time out, once school has calmed down a little, just to chat and catch up.

Reading two

1. N 2.Y 3. NG 4. N 5. Y 6. N 7. Y 8. Y

Reading three

1. A 2. C 3. D 4. B 5. C

Reading four

1. One can be a good listener by letting others know that he values what they have to say and who they are. He can let others know he’s paying attention by making eye contact while they are speaking, then asking a question or two about what they are saying.

2. He should be honest and genuine.

3. Because if one focuses too much on modern technology, he’s less likely to notice who’s interested in him. Being online or on the phone also sends the message to others around him that he’s unavailable.

4. Cleaning up parks, tutoring younger students or helping at animal shelters or hospitals.

5. Having a good sense of humor.

Reading five

1. Y 2. Y 3. N 4. Y 5. NG

Unit 4 Traffic and Transportation

Reading one

Task one reading for general ideas

1. High speed trains refer to passenger trains that travel at a speed much higher than that of traditional passenger trains.

2. The Shinkansen is also known around the world as bullet trains.

Task two reading for details

. 1. B 2. D 3. C 4. C 5. A

. Today, there are many large high speed rail lines around the world.

. High speed trains have undergone about a century of development. They embody high and new technologies of the modern times. With great comfort, fast speed and other advantages, they will become increasingly popular throughout the world in the future.

Reading two

1. Because riding a bike made him feel good, energetic, and free. He could go wherever he wanted no matter in the day time or at night.

2. One can stop whenever he wants to; it is often faster than a car or taxi for getting from point A to point B; one doesn’t have to follow any set route.

3. Because he thinks that their mind can be expressed in the buildings and cities, all of which are displayed in real images around him.

4. It is like traveling the collective neural pathways of some vast global mind. It really is a trip inside the collective mind of a compacted group of people. One can sense the collective brain—happy, cruel, dishonest and generous—at work and at play. It is like a fantastic voyage.

5 . The experience might be shallow and limited. However, it can also offer one a chance to see the details of the city through the view on a bike.

Reading three

1. N 2 .N 3. N 4.NG 5. Y 6.NG 7.Y 8.Y

Reading four


2. Reason 1: There are too many unlicensed drivers on the road.

Reason 2: The immigrants failed to be properly licensed.

Reason 3: The legislative departments seem to be quite indifferent to the issue of illegal driving.

Reading five

1. C 2. A 3. B 4. C 5.D

Unit 5 Social Manners

Reading one

Task one reading for general ideas

1. Grandma drank coffee from a saucer.

2. The passage is mainly about how a granddaughter learns good manners from her grandmother.

Task two reading for details

. 1. C 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. D

. 1. That made sense, so I never questioned it.

2. But as I grew older I began to feel a little embarrassed by her saucer sipping because other people whom we respected drank from their cups.

3. I wanted to sink right down in my chair and slide under the table. My face was hot with embarrassment.

4. I was greatly surprised. And ashamed of myself.

5. And I was never embarrassed by Grandma’s ways again.

. A granddaughter admired everything her grandma taught her about good manners except that she would at times feel embarrassed about Grandma’s way of sipping coffee from a saucer. However, she was enlightened by her friend and came to see the true meaning of good manners.

Reading two

1. N 2. NG 3. N 4. Y 5. N 6.Y 7. N 8. N

Reading three

1. The author’s mother tried to cultivate good manners and polite social graces in her from an early age.

2. Many young people thought that good manners and etiquette were outdated and virtually useless concepts in today’s society.

3. Because she always said please and thank you, treating the staff with courtesy and warmth.

4. She became a top salesperson because she was the one that treated people with the most respect.

5. In today’s society, rudeness is far more common than courtesy.

Reading four

Reading five

1. When lining up to board the airplane, do not stand up and crowd the door before the crew calls your row.

2. Once on board, stow your bags as quickly as possible and help others if needed.

3. Never take up more than one seat’s worth of space for your bags.

4. Put your seats straight up and your tray-tables away for takeoff or landing.

5. Stow portable electronic devices before takeoff and landing.

6. Try to avoid reclining your seat altogether when there is little room between the rows or during daytime flights.

7. Always show flight attendants respect, courtesy and cooperation during a flight.


