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2013年第1期 牡丹江师范学院学报(哲社gt) N0.1.2013 (总第173期) Journal of Mudanjiang Normal University Total No.173 李商隐《锦瑟》解读及英译评析 姚俏梅 (贺州学院外国语学院,广西贺州542800) [摘要]唐代诗人李商隐所作的《锦瑟》一诗被认为是最令人费解的古诗之一,历代注家对此诗有多种 解释。本文从道家哲学出发,在对该诗进行逐一解读的同时,对它的4种主要英译文作简明分析,并提出 试验性英译。 [关键词]道家哲学;《锦瑟》;英译 [中图分类号]H315.9 [文献标志码]A [文章编号]1003—6121(2013)01—0107—03 李商隐的代表作《锦瑟》晦涩难懂,历代注家对此 he woke up,he was so confused hat he could not tel 诗解释颇多。较普遍的说法有五:咏瑟说,情诗说,自 whether it was him that had dreamt of being a butter— 伤说,诗序说,乐调说。而笔者以为,道家哲学领悟是 fly or it was a butterfly that was then dreami of be— 该诗的基调。以下将逐一解读原诗,对其英译作简要 ng hirm 评析,并给出试译。 **A legendary king who had an afair wih hi 原诗解读及其英译评析 prime minister S wie and after hi death his spiri 锦 瑟 changed into the cuckoo. 锦瑟无端五十弦,一弦一柱思华年。 **--A hi famous for its jade in present-day 庄生晓梦迷蝴蝶,望帝春心托杜鹃。 Lantian County,Shaanxi Province. 沧海月明珠有泪,蓝田日暖玉生烟。 (戴乃迭、杨宪益译) 此情可待成追忆,只是当时已惘然。[ 英译2. 英译1. The Sad Zither The Gorgeous Zither Why should the ziher sad have ffty strings? For no reason the gorgeous ziher has fity strngs, Each string,each strain evokes but vanished springs; Each string,each fret,recalls a youthful year. Dim morning dream to be a butterfy; Master Zhuang woke from a dream puzzled by a but— Amorous heart poured out in euekods cry. terfly, In moonlit pearls see tears in mermaids eyes; Emperor Wang reposed his amorous heart to the From sunburnt emerald 1et vapor rise! cuckoo.* Such feelng cannot be recaled again; The moon shines on the sea,pearls look like tears, It seemed long-lost e,en when it was felt then.[3] The sun s WaITl at Lantian,***the ade emits mist (许渊冲译) This feelng might have become a memory to recall, 英译3. But,even then,i was already suggestve of sor— The Inlaid Harp rows.[z]  wonder why my inlaid harp has fity strings, *According to a fable story。Zhuang Zi(c.369 Each wih s fower-lke fret an nterval of youth. 286 BC),a famous philosopher ofthe Warring The sage Chuang-tzu i day—dreaming,bewi States Period,dreamt of being a butterfy and when dered by butterfes. 收稿日期]2012—1209 [作者简介]姚俏梅(1968一),女,广西贺州人,副教授,硕士,主要从事中国古诗英译研究。 --—107—— 
2013年第1期 (总第173期) 牡丹江师范学院学报(哲社版) Journal of Muda ̄iang Normal University No.1,2013 TotalN0.173 The spring heart of Emperor Wang is crying in a cuckoo, Mermen weep their pearly tears down a moon-green sea’ 玉阳山(在今河南济源境内)修道。L 此外,诗人在晚 年也极其虔诚地修习道佛二教,曾抄过许多经文。这 些史实说明,诗人很有可能将这两段修习经历相联 系。再看译文,译文1、2和4将典故误解为望帝一段 未遂的爱情故事,译文3将两句译成了“圣人庄子白 Blue elds are breathing thei jade to the sun… And a moment that ought to have lasted for ever Has come and gone before I knew.[43 (Bynner译) 日做梦,被蝴蝶所迷,望帝的春心正在一只杜鹃身体 内哭泣”,更让读者不知所云。 其次,看颈联的翻译。除了译文2和3采用了西 英译4. The Richly Painted Zither The richly painted ziher,for no reason,has fifty strings, Each string,each bridge recals a burgeoning year; Master Chuang,dreaming at dawn,was confused with butterfly, Emperor Wang consigned his amorous heart in spring to the cuckoo; By the vast sea,the mon brightens pearls'tears, At indigo field,the sun warms jade that engenders smoke. This feeling might have become a memory to be cher— shed, But for that,even then,it already seemed an illu— sion.[5_ (刘若愚译) 首先,看标题“锦瑟”的英译。英译1和4将它译 为“华丽的瑟”,采用直译手法;英译3采用用归化译 法,译为“镶嵌图案的竖琴”;英译2译为“悲哀的瑟”, 将该诗的基调明朗化。 那么,全诗是否含有悲伤基调?笔者不以为然, 理由有二:第一,标题来自篇首二字,事实上相当于无 题诗 ,第二,作者取它为题,很可能用锦瑟来象征音 乐,以勾起对往事的回忆。对于引介联的英译,译文 2过多考虑形美而导致意美的流失。译文3把乐器 挡子(fret)比喻成一段年轻时光,显得词不达意,意义 含糊。译文1和4则较忠实地传达了原句的意思。 再看颔联,作者使用了两个有名的典故,前一典故表 达庄子“物化”的哲学思想。第二典故则来源于《禽 缝》,嘲从该史料中得知,望帝化为杜鹃是修道的结 果。既然两个典故皆与修道相关,则诗人的回忆也应 与修道有关。据吴调公的研究,诗人在24岁时,曾到 】O8一 方传说中的“美人鱼”这种归化方式来篡改原文意象 外,译文1和4基本转译原文字面意思,但是4种译 文仍无法与原文形神兼似。因为它们秉承的是传统 解释:在苍茫大海上,在明亮的月光下,珍珠含泪,在 蓝田山中,在温暖阳光下,宝玉生烟。月光虽明亮,怎 能看到海底深处的贝壳里的珍珠含泪呢?同样,阳光 又如何能照射到深山中的宝玉?我们不妨换个角度 来解释:在苍茫的大海中,月光明亮,如带泪之珠,在 蓝色的田野上,日照温暖,如生烟之玉。在此,诗人分 别将“沧海”和“蓝田”比喻作夜与昼的天空,将“珠”和 “玉”代替“月”和“日”;用“泪”和“烟”来美化明月和暖 日的视觉效果。将夜空想象为沧海始于李白的《关山 月》:“明月出天山,苍茫云海间”。将蓝田比喻为昼间 天空来源于杜甫的《漠陂行》:“水面月出蓝田关,此时 黧龙亦吐珠。”李诗深受六朝宫体诗影响,而眼泪在宫 体诗中均与美人有关,用之可突出月亮温婉之美。诗 人使用这些比喻,既与道家思想相符,又体现了诗人 对道教的领悟,日、月、珠、玉共同组成了绘实景、构想 象、阐哲理三个不同层次的境界。 既然上联为作者悟道,尾联中的“惘然”如何解? 按照玄学大师郭象的评论,_J‘惘然”即悟得真理的最 高境界。诗人当年潜心修道,已至惘然忘言。所以, 该句可解为:“既然当时修道已臻于化境,今II之忆已 无所忆了”。4种译文都没有很好的体现出原诗的玄 理。 二、《锦瑟》新译 通篇看来,首联“无端”开始勾起对美好青春的回 忆,颔联描绘修道的至愉境界,颈联道出道家真理的 玄妙美感,尾联则升华道家玄理。综上所述,笔者大 胆试译,错误之处,还望通人硕学不吝赐教。 译文5. The Zither The zither,for no reason,has fifty strings, 
2913年第1期 牡丹江师范学院学报(哲社版) NO.1.2013 (总第173期) Journal of Mudaniiang Normal University TotalN0.173 Each string,each bridge,reminds me of my youthful [23阿成,杨宪益,戴乃迭.唐诗[M].北京;外文出版社,2003: 275. years; Master Zhuang was transformed nto a buterfn hi s]许渊冲.唐诗三百首[M].北京:中国对外翻译出版公司,1988: 373. morning dream, [4]毛发奋.汉语古诗英译比读与研究[M].上海:上海社会科学 Emperor Wang entrusted his soul to the cuckoo cried 出版社,2007;81. n spring; [53朱徽.中国诗歌在英语世界[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社, On the vast sea,the moon is as bright as pearls with 2009:220. tears, [6]左圭.gJ学海[M].台北:艺文出版社,1965:7. On the blue feld,the sun is as walTl as ade emiting [73吴调公.李商隐研究[M].上海:上海古籍出版社,1982t 11— 127. mist; Al these memories are not necessary to be cherished, [8]郭庆藩.庄子集释[M].北京:中华书局,1982=415 [9]王敏.文化负载词之关联一顺应翻译[J].牡丹江师范学院学 For my cultivation of Dao at that tme had reached 报:哲学社会科学版,2012(4):106—08 perfecton. [1O]张冬.庄子理想人格的延展与比较[J].牡丹江师范学院学报; [参考文献] 哲学社会科学版,2011(4):10—14. E13郑在瀛.李商隐诗集今注FM3.武汉:武汉大学出版社,2001:  [责任编辑]琳莉 730. Interpreting Jinse and Analyzing is English Versions YA0 Qiao-mei (Hezhou Universiy,Guangxi Hezhou 542800,China)  Abstact:Jinse wrien by Li Shanyin n Tang dynasty  regarded as one of he most dicul poems o understand.There— fore.a lot of seholars in the past dynasties had different understandings of it.Based on the philosophy of Dao the paper make an detailed analysis of its four English versions.Finally,a new English version of the poem is provided. Keywords:phiosophy of Dao,Jinse;Englh ransaton ---—109— 


