
发布时间:2020-05-29 07:26:58   来源:文档文库   




  柠檬奶油卷 Lemon Roulade

  蓝莓起士蛋糕 Blueberry Cheese Cake 巧克力起士蛋糕 Chocolate Cheese Cake 五壳核果糕 Banana Oatmel Mousse Cake 香草泡芙酥 Vanilla `Eclair

  醇酒三色糕 Ligueur Perfumed Triplet Cake> 绿仙香茶糕 Green Tea Cake

  金黄芒果糕 Mango Mousse

  草莓多姿糕 Strawberry Mousse

  千层酥 Napoleons

  红豆杏仁卷 Almond Roulade

  千层咖啡包 Curry Cake

  黑森林 Black Forest Cake

  巧克力富奇 Chocolate Fudge

  茅屋乳酪 Cottage Cheese Cake

  法式乳酪 French Cheese Cake

  大理石乳酪 White Chocolate Cheese Cake 樱桃乳酪 Cherry Cheese Cake

  欧香咖啡幕斯 Espresso Mousse

  香草摩卡幕斯 Vanilla Mocha Mousse 芒果夏绿地 Mango Charlotte

  起士蛋糕 ~~~ 咖啡店经典蛋糕 Cheese Cake 海绵蛋糕Sponge Cake

  戚风蛋糕Chiffon Cake

  香草奶油蛋糕 Vanilla Cream Cake 巧克力口味 Marbled Chocolate

  大理石蛋糕 Cheese Cake

  巧克力蛋糕 Chocolate Cake

  瑞士巧克力蛋糕 Swiss Chocolate

  白巧克力蛋糕 White Chocolate Cake 蛋糕 cake

  樱桃蛋糕 Cherry cake

  醇酒三色糕 Ligueur Perfumed Triplet Cake> 绿仙香茶糕 Green Tea Cake

  金黄芒果糕 Mango Mousse

  草莓多姿糕 Strawberry Mousse

  千层酥 Napoleons

  红豆杏仁卷 Almond Roulade

  千层咖啡包 Curry Cake

  黑森林 Black Forest Cake

  巧克力富奇 Chocolate Fudge

  茅屋乳酪 Cottage Cheese Cake

  法式乳酪 French Cheese Cake

  大理石乳酪 White Chocolate Cheese Cake 樱桃乳酪 Cherry Cheese Cake

  欧香咖啡幕斯 Espresso Mousse

  香草摩卡幕斯 Vanilla Mocha Mousse 芒果夏绿地 Mango Charlotte

  起士蛋糕 ~~~ 咖啡店经典蛋糕 Cheese Cake 海绵蛋糕Sponge Cake

  戚风蛋糕Chiffon Cake

  香草奶油蛋糕 Vanilla Cream Cake 巧克力口味 Marbled Chocolate

  大理石蛋糕 Cheese Cake

  巧克力蛋糕 Chocolate Cake

  瑞士巧克力蛋糕 Swiss Chocolate 白巧克力蛋糕 White Chocolate Cake8个与蛋糕相关的英语习语


  1. take the cake: 名列第一;优胜

  Of all the hard-hearted women, she takes the cake.


  2. eat humble pie: 忍气吞声;低头认罪

  I think Im right, but if Im wrong, Ill eat humble pie.


  3. go/sell like hot cakes: 热销,畅销

  Im sure this new line of coats will go like hot cakes.


  4. a piece of cake/as easy as pie: 小菜一碟,小事一桩

  Glad to help. It was a piece of cake.


  5. eat ones cake and have it too: 得其利而无其害,两者兼得

  Dont buy a car if you want to walk and stay healthy. You cant eat your cake and have it too.


  6. pie in the sky: 渺茫的希望

  Their plans to set up their own business are just pie in the sky. 他们创办自己公司的计划只不过是空想罢了。

  7. cakes and ale: 欢乐,物质享受,生活中的好东西

  Any reasonable person knows that life is not all cakes and ale. 任何理性的人都知道,生活不可能总是充满鲜花和美酒。

  8. a piece (or slice) of the pie: 一份好处,一杯羹

  When the business started making money, everyone in his family wanted a piece of the pie.



