2019年[高考]英语一轮优练题 Unit 2 Robots(含解析)新人教版选修7

发布时间:2019-03-13 20:47:08   来源:文档文库   

Unit 2 Robots



Winston Churchill is probably the most popular British prime minister ever. Having served as a soldier and politician, he is often considered among the greatest of Britons. While his heroic stand against the Nazis is well know, there are still a few facts about the popular politician that might surprise you.

His Cigars

The classic image of Winston Churchill includes a giant cigar stuck between his lips. Churchill developed his love of cigars as a young man, when he traveled to Cuba. For the rest of his life, he smoked eight or nine cigars every day. However, he almost never took a puff(吸,抽), preferring to chew on the end until it went out, then relight it and start again. To prevent the cigar becoming soggy (湿软的), Churchill invented the bellybando, a strip of brown paper which could be glued around the end.

At any given time, Churchill had 3,000 to 4,000 cigars in his house, mostly his favorite Romeo & Juliet brand. On one occasion, the president of Cuba presented Churchill with 2,400 top-quality cigars, although his security team insisted one cigar from each box be sent off and tested for poison. Perhaps the story that best shows his love of cigars occurred during World War II, when he had a special oxygen mask designed so that he could still smoke his cigar on a high-altitude flight.

His Black Dog

Throughout his life, Churchill probably suffered from depression, which he called his black dog. At times, his depression was so severe that he didn’t like standing close to a passing train or looking at the ocean from a ship because he feared that he would commit suicide.

When he was depressed, Churchill would almost spend a great deal of time in bed and lose his ability to concentrate. However, when not depressed, Churchill was full of energy, usually working and talking until the early hours of the morning. He often described how all the colors come back into the picture.

1. Why did Churchills security team insist on checking the cigars?

A. To test if they were safe for Churchill.

B. To see if they were of the best quality.

C. To make sure they were Churchill’s favorite.

D. To guarantee they were not out of date.

2. Which of the following best shows Churchills love of cigars?

A. He fell in love with cigars at a young age.

B. He smoked many cigars every day.

C. He invented the bellybando.

D. He had an oxygen mask specially designed for smoking.

3. What does the underlined sentence in the last paragraph mean?

A. Churchill became energetic again.

B. Churchill remained depressed.

C. Churchill drew colorful pictures.

D. Churchill liked to talk about colors.

4. What is probably the best title of the passage?

A. Achievements of Churchill

B. Anecdotes about Churchill

C. Personalities of Churchill

D. Hobbies of Churchill


1. A【解析】细节理解题。根据文章第三段的句子"although his security team insisted one cigar from each box be sent off and tested for poison."可知,丘吉尔的安全部队坚持要检查雪茄,为了检测是否它们对丘吉 尔是安全的。故选A

3.A【解析】推理判断题。根据文章最后一段的句子"However, when not depressed, Churchill was full of

energy, usually working and talking until the early hours of the morning."可知,丘吉尔精力充沛的时候, 经常工作和交谈直到凌晨。下文是他对精力充沛的描写。故选A

4. B【解析】标题判断题。根据文章内容和第一段的句子"While his heroic stand against the Nazis is well know, there are still a few facts about the popular politician that might surprise you."可知,文章主要介绍丘吉尔的 奇闻轶事。故选B


1.The escaped prisoner ___________ alarm), looked up and stared in the direction where the noise came from.


2.Marriages based on money rather than love are bound ___________ end in divorce sooner or later.

答案:to end

3.Having been warned of danger in the street at night she had to go home with a friend ___________ accompany her.


4.The majority of students were ___________ favour of the suggestion that they go to picnic the next day.


5.2018·湖南衡阳联考)The young couple set ___________ some money each month for their future use even though their income can only make ends meet.


6.It is obvious to the students ___________ they should get well prepared for the coming examination.


7.If ___________ leave alone outside dogs and cats can be very smart in their search for warm shelter.


8.In September 1939 Britain declared war ___________ German after Germany invaded Poland.


9.He expressed a strong desire that measures ___________ take to stop pollution.

答案:(should be taken

10.It was a great ___________ satisfy for her to know that her son was doing so well at college.



From childhoodMoira loved to write. Throughout school she 1 writing, but pursuing(追求) it 2 was never a possibility. Her father was a doctor, her mother a nurse.Medicine was a fairly 3 option,” Moira says. And writing was a career where it wasnt a 4 that you’d have high income.

She became a doctor but still wanted to do some writing. However, being a doctor was so 5 that she didn’t take up writing until her thirties. She 6 a novel—a fictionalized version of her travels in China after university. She got excellent 7 . Moira sent it off to as many agents as she could find, and found one who wanted to 8 her. Suddenly, it seemed she was on her 9 as an author.

I had one lengthy phone call with the agent where we 10 all possible areas she thought needed 11 I worked on those and sent it back to her but didn’t hear anything. It was not long 12 Moira found another agent who was 13 if she was willing to rewrite it from the first person to the third person. She did the hard work and sent it off again. I got back a really brief letter‘Thank you, Im no longer interested. It was really 14

A decade went by, and Moira found herself eager to write again, this time 15 for her own enjoyment. She 16 herself the challenge of creating a thriller and chose Western Australia as her setting.

As she was writing just for herself, something surprising began to happen. The characters 17 a life of their own; they started doing things I hadn’t thought about. It just 18 out. One day, an agent called from Australia. Three weeks later, Moira had a publication deal. Her novel, Cicada, was published in March.

19 it hadn’t been published I still gained so much from the 20 ,” says Moira.

【解题导语】 本文通过Moira爱好写作并坚持写作的故事告诉我们:每个人都要为实现自己的梦想而去努力尝试只有经历过才能够有所得在追求的过程中不要过于担心结果只有这样才能成功。

1A.learnt Bavoided

Cconsidered Denjoyed

D 解析:根据首句“From childhoodMoira loved to write.”可知从童年开始Moira就爱好写作;由此推断在上学期间她仍然喜欢(enjoyed)写作。

2A.actively Bprofessionally

Cenergetically Dpermanently

B 解析:根据生活常识及该句中的关键词“never a possibility”可知把写作当作职业来追求几乎是不可能的。actively“积极地professionally“作为职业地energetically“精力充沛地permanently“永久地

3A.influential Bexplicit

Cterrible Dsafe

D 解析:根据空处前一句“Her father was a doctorher mother a nurse.”可知她的父母会给予她医学方面很多的帮助所以Moira认为医学是一个十分安全的(safe)选择。

4A.dream Bpurpose

Cchoice Dcertainty

D 解析:根据空后的“you’d have high income”可知Moira也认为写作是一个不一定能带来高收入的职业。certainty“确定的事符合语境所以选项D正确。

5A.promising Bdiscouraging

Cdemanding Dinteresting

C 解析:根据空后的“she didn’t take up writing until her thirties”可知医生是一个要求很高的职业因此她直到三十多岁才开始写作。promising“有希望的有前途的discouraging“使人泄气的demanding“苛刻的要求高的interesting“有趣的。所以选项C正确。

6A.produced Bintroduced

Cbought Dreceived

A 解析:根据语境可知她以大学毕业后在中国的旅游经历为背景创作了一本小说。produce“创作生产产生introduce“介绍buy“买receive“收到。所以选项A正确。

7A.rewards Breaders

Creviews Dpraises

C 解析:根据该段最后一句“Suddenlyit seemed she was on her as an author.”可以判断这部小说写出来后她得到了极好的评论。reward“报酬reader“读者review“评论praise“赞扬。所以选项C正确。

8A.employ Brepresent

Ctrust Dguide

B 解析:根据语境可知在众多的代理人中有一个人愿意代理出版这本小说。employ“雇用使用represent“代表代理trust“信任guide“指导。所以选项B正确。

9A.own Bfeet

Cway Dbusiness

C 解析:根据语境可知她似乎突然就要成为作家了。on one’s way“即将到达或发生所以选项C正确。

10A.took off Bwent through

Cpulled down Dcame over

B 解析:根据语境可知Moira在电话中与代理人就小说中所有代理人认为需要润色(polishing)的地方进行了仔细琢磨(went through)take off“脱下起飞go through“仔细察看仔细琢磨”;pull down“拆毁推翻come over“过来来访。所以选项B正确。

11A.deleting Badapting

Cpolishing Dcovering

C 解析:参见上题解析。delete“删除adapt“适应改编polish“修改润色cover“覆盖报道。所以选项C正确。

12A.before Bafter

Csince Dwhen

A 解析:根据上文中的“sent it back to her but didn’t hear anything”可知Moira重新把小说发给代理人但是没有收到任何回复不久之后Moira找到了另外一个代理人。句型It wasn’t long before...意思是不久之后……”。所以选项A正确。

13A.fascinated Binterested

Canxious Damused

B 解析:根据下文中的“I’m no longer interested”可知此处指这位代理人对她的书感兴趣。fascinated“入迷的interested“感兴趣的anxious“焦急的忧虑的amused逗笑的。所以选项B正确。

14A.common Babsurd

Cterrifying Ddisappointing

D 解析:从两位代理人的态度可知Moira这两次都以失败告终所以这件事情肯定令她感到失望。common“共同的absurd“荒谬的terrifying“令人恐惧的disappointing“令人失望的。所以选项D正确。

15A.purely Bwonderfully

Cinstantly Dsadly

A 解析:根据该句中的“found herself eager to write again...own enjoyment”可知她发现自己渴望再次写作而这次写作仅仅(purely)是为了个人乐趣。purely“仅仅纯粹地wonderfully“非常好非常instantly“立即sadly“悲伤地。所以选项A正确。

16.A.set Bfound

Cmade Dpermitted

A 解析:根据语境可知Moira向自己提出(set)了一个挑战写一部惊险小说。find“发现make“整理;进行permit“允许许可。所以选项A正确。

17A.put up Btook on

Cwent over Dgot down

B 解析:根据该句“The characters a life of their ownthey started doing things I hadn’t thought about.”可知小说中的人物开始具有(took on)他们自己的生活。put up“建造;张贴take on“开始具有(某种特征、面貌等)”;go over“仔细检查get down“下来;取下。所以选项B正确。

18A.flew Bbrought

Cbroke Dcarried

A 解析:根据下文可知Moira的书得到了一位澳大利亚代理人的关注并顺利出版;据此可以推断这部小说成功了。所以选项A正确。

19A.Ever since BAs if

CIf only DEven if

D 解析:根据语境可推断出即使(Even if)这部小说没有出版Moira仍然在这个过程(process)中得到许多。ever since“自从as if“好像似乎if only“要是……就好了even if“即使尽管。所以选项D正确。

20A.adventure Bpractice

Cprocess Dresult

C 解析:参见上题解析。adventure“冒险practice“实践process“过程result“结果。所以选项C正确。


1.The little boy came riding at full speed down the motorway on his bicycle. How a dangerous scene it was___________


2.That afternoon they drank much coffee than had been our custom.___________ 


3.The famous doctor is going to set out performing the operation so please keep calm.___________ 


4.Look There stand the highest building of the city.___________  


5.My boss used to be strict with his staffs which made all of them nervous at seeing him.___________  


五、 单元语法——不定式的被动语态

1.2018·安徽省级示范高中联考)She was looking for her three nephewsbut they were nowhere ___________ find),which made her worried.

答案:to be found

2.Having a trip abroad is certainly good for the studentsbut it remains ___________ see whether they will enjoy it.

答案:to be seen

3.Not ___________ interrupt while writinghe locked himself in his study.

答案:to be interrupted

4.The play ___________ produce next month aims mainly to reflect the local culture.

答案:to be produced

5.Weve had a good start but next more work needs ___________ do to achieve the final success.

答案:to be done












  我在银行的工作时出纳员,出纳员说白了就是做好每一笔经济业务的收付工作,保证合理、合法、正确性。编制现金和银行存款日报表。这些工作我一直以来做的都很好,我负责的账目从来没有出现过任何一点死账、坏账。  自年初工作以来,在信用社领导的关心及全体同志的帮助下,我认真学习业务知识和业务技能,积极主动的履行工作职责,较好的完成了本年度的工作任务,在思想觉悟、业务素质、操作技能、优质服务等方面都有了一定的提高。现讲本年度的工作总结  1、精诚团结,为提高经营效益尽心尽力。一年来,我与同事们能搞好团结,服从领导的安排,积极主动的做好其他工作,为全社经营目标的顺利完成而同心同德,尽心尽力。  (1)勤勤恳恳的完成领导交办的其他任务,除做好本职工作外,我还按照领导的安排做好其他工作,如每天提前30分钟上班打扫卫生,把营业室的物品摆放整齐,使环境干净舒适,为客户创造一流的服务场所。从而确保各项任务的顺利完成。  (2)千方百计拉存款,我经常利用业余时间走亲串朋动


《2019年[高考]英语一轮优练题 Unit 2 Robots(含解析)新人教版选修7.doc》
