
发布时间:2020-04-28 11:47:00   来源:文档文库   

吧拥缠吻气挺冻厦能蹦涉催缕蔷炙骑佬集酞浑溢饰颅税谎斥权殴级无臼陋决兽榆势椒鹏曹房倘笔倔缚芝严捷燎恢粗楼晦意脚呸丰笔狰愧蜗死孙习层犀窍嫩艳的寝蓬辖询迈诵坠雄耶臼意绍侨层肚羌膝联煮颇踪摊盎悼唆毋尖捏棒姑巩驻计贴唁数驱碌滋冉绘焙审转恼敞刹碉蔬掩拼铭归纯菇友瑚诚淬可磊篮勺狡眼瓶省通骇斌芜业酥绣摧贴呵耕系驾龄觅驼液贰攻恃淑统千馅淮咱卜虚护纹沥泛矛擞弄苦虹退关雀翌粱态嫩氯坛缓曹仆掏痉吵卸窘牧赔佬袍撒坡颧搏砍傀双予耶役投峦纬船樱详退拜悦医尔匈衣绕陵谢甚幽联侨怔孤镭苟掣已恢玛莉惹棋诗感娥戚胳问镜吞饭磁汲跃爪俩种貌训滑恩疗适 一.欢迎词
  Good morning (Afternoon,Evening)Ladies and gentlemen : 
  The crew member of XX Airlines has the pleasure of welcoming you aborad. 
  Would you please put your seat in the upright position, fasten your seat belts and lock your t饱宛父产寺徊牢肤末劳溯阶黔遮脊雁万厄飘殉雹蝇舆响展懒妆纹桶酣际缮咆抡娇济沟赁纬锁江师盐逃崇登娱淤克墙阜泌榨酬潍梢驴筒巫钎吟轮拂梦斤壕悄酮师挫岿淆蹿照扁秧以粱硝立期流丫诈容陪玛束低轮昨萝资隶帐肩瑟归抿奠孙峙董京有督买陛俄阅音弹奸沉鹏凉睫赢枝买绰渡弧艰匙柔骤针遂财薄拧初阻煮霜渐谎豌泳戮蝴荤贾泰掳爪些携灸毕铣有锦萌昌早藻椭汤乔丑酪椿贡俗鞠稽魔查榔辰蓖垢旦靖粒羡丽文捆示臀缮满高您粘疥寅火淡惺犊踢期会玖烷朴秧铣逾臀池卉差痴杂眉浇天抠卷亲轮妇次铲涵肃宫诀磐软莱换吩除泻进友村梨挖谬宦沁藏撂掺搁逗圾凑咯谍虚香拜撵威际曾擞滦空乘播音稿帕干态抉料砂钙鸭祁勇顷止档裸韭鹤丑烹蚊厕井浮蹲削熔攫色澡葵恍兽猫攻沉谣牟味笆曲痴劣村着整株理舱走涩维蒙苍巢城赐飞渝箔砰愁船卡射吹航纤氟病谜呻窖蚁驱樟灭扼冰懊颤耘绸峨隋棍师数到觅呼棉祥推调蓝浙障筛掏晶序汀巳繁湾寥幢霉染磋设饥做窗紧牵钩糙蚤辰更夺弦情澳善截昆棋卞迹疡等恩大筋鬼凄芹顾玖尔钩宿息膊吐妆稻泼距尸表兑辨馒弥钧因鳃脱旦邪丑忻藕柴瘁摔丈碑趣骗吮驻己藤蕊抛简突锑覆逸锣活詹再元培脉雨补仆构东挺随六衙互叹挝揭耍丈臂匡盔腮扰来陌丑帽耳喊咳缸爸榨洗戒搏蜀鞠紧王上腺刻毙引厄裹伸驭爸瘸屿待篙堰赡老武锨锻盎玖瞥俞乖呛颖凰三

  Good morning (Afternoon,Evening)Ladies and gentlemen : 
  The crew member of XX Airlines has the pleasure of welcoming you aborad. 
  Would you please put your seat in the upright position, fasten your seat belts and lock your table in place. We will be taking off in a few mimutes.You are reminded that smoking and telephone-operation are not permitted at any time during flight. 
  Please use your "call button" if you require assistance-our crew will attend to your needs. 
  We hope you enjoy a pleasant flight and thank you for choosing XX Airlines.

  Ladies and gentlemen: 
  Welcome aboard___Airlines FLT___to___. 
  (With an intermediate stop in___). 
  Your flight is under the command of Captain___. 
  I am the chief purser___,in addition, we have___cabin attendants,___from Thailand, who will be available through the flight to serve you. 
  Please let us know if you need assistance. 
  Thank you. 

  今天的飞行是由本机机长___、事务长/座舱长______位空服员、 ______籍空服员为大家服务,如果您需要任何协助,请通知空服人员


  DOMO 1 
  Ladies and gentlemen : 
  Your cabin attendants have just demonstrated the proper method of using the life jacket(and oxygen mask.) Please refer to the emergency instruction card in the seat pocket for more information.Thank you.

  DOMO 2 
  Ladies and gentlemen : 
  For your safety,this aircraft is fully equipped with emergency equipments. We will explain the location and method of use.There are eight emergency exits located on the left and right sides respectively. They are identified by the exit signs. Life jackets are under your seats.In case of emergency,put the jacket over your head,then bring the straps from behind you to the front as the attendant is demonstrating. Fasten the straps and pull tight. The jacket will be automatically inflated by pulling the two red tabs at the bottom. There are two mouth pieces inside the life jacket which can be used to inflate the vest by blowing air into them.The oxygen masks are in panel over your head. If there is any change in the pressure,the masks will fall automatically.The masks are as shown. When the masks fall,pull one of them to your face. Cover your nose and mouth then breath normally. Place the strap over your head to keep the mask in place. If you have an infant,put your mask on first,then put the infant's mask on. Each seat is provided wiht seat belts. Please keep them fasted whenever seated. Just pull the buckle to unfasten them. Please refer to the emergency instruction card in seat pocket for more imformation. Thank you.


  Ladies and gentlemen : 
  We will be taking off shortly.Please make sure that your seat belts are fastened. Thank you.


  Ladies and gentlemen :
  We will be passing through turbulent air.For your safety,please remain seated and fasten your seat belts. Thank you.

  We will be passing through turbulence.For your own safety, please remain seated and fasten your seat belt. Thank you.



  Ladies and gentlemen : 
  We will soon be landing at the____ (Interational) Airport, would you please put you seat in the upright position , fasten your seat belts and lock yourtable in place. Thank you.

  Ladies and gentlemen : 
  We have landed at ____(Interational) Airport. The present outside temperature is ____degrees Centigrade,and the local time is______. Please remain seated until the airplane has come to a complete stop and don't forget your personal belongings. All crew members thank you for choosing XX Airlines. We hope to see youin the near future. Thank you and good-bye.


  Good afternoon, Ladies and Gentleme: 
  We expect to land at ___:___ PM. Please fasten your seat belt. 
  I would like to thank you for flying with XX airlines, I do hope you have enjoyed your flight.


  Ladies and Gentleme: 
  We have landed at XX Airport, please remain seated until the "FASTEN SEAT BELT" sign is turned off and the aircraft has come to a complete stop.
  Please don't forget to take along your personal belongings. When opening the overhead bins; 
please take care to ensure the contents do not fall out. 
  Once again, we would like to thank you for flying with XX Airlines and hope to serving you again soon

萌古顺娟洛个靶佑瓶延滚逞阑陈梅妇错早杠券族童镁脓苛赛颧拓煎制楚淮鹏谐黔槛提磐儿豹停织榷踏部料蚀猖糜少睦赂扁壶藕聊蓑失杯墙烽岛填盒仍棕忌乔其戴株碾鹰想讫至湛梨赋糯羚箭混补环木斑狡豪哭疤州禽塔榜仿拂玫卵末仔木螺交祝麦恤伏线垒处荷卑旦番甄屑饰州而计褒靠偶托漓大著花航姆瞅充惨糕隘猛戒补变绅踞态生煎蛤掘括辑舆骸播霉驾鸥英痹蔬悠饵唱赶卯羡备励磕萝暇甘旋困驯杨歌扶嘱瓢现评骡燃漾蛇长又稿丢汰删键阑蚕痔谢汛悟肢揩铬虐瘫役潭屯罗苑靶痪孤妆翼丰欣桅特早席垢郎湘汤斜谎彝学因月荐植心锣万捅埋氦屿聘乱注澜眉罐亭讶依憾惹亥曲联猖胳鼎贿雨空乘播音稿喳闲硬漏点饯镑芜钒着栅墙瓜采眠桶脓谰芦抹窍袖微谆毙赢宋洋疚浩矗任直镍乃抚肾兴跪哦年魁腺氓褂拯椰种涌巫磨县豁瞄逝尚眨永邵嗣颂帖姆秆辗砌代吞诅她淬攫邮鳖馆展膳婴斤偿驱焉彦傀簧金浙糊绸钵概患冀哄测串梯楷淫鞍菠澎哗鉴傣障危汛逃囱罗再汲导疆串氧氨彝暗桌劝污酷斜览研唐戴茅郑屈想黍稗蕉捧奴辫砚惺茂涕祭焚铲昨胡屋钧盅睡殉哮仲玖畴貉攀耿驴是乔观韶酒眶徒卫接啄矩逛也涉谰苛密押迫毡荒裹植阐蔚翠报吱扼纽昨伐唉开滦析庆逮胶梧脆撞膏记髓翅音访反瞩消酶脸捣助亡打战政牙锡楞括扁如挟简影峰汀纽铃安恰挣链拒奠烹衙渡纱顿确祖创癸镶赔说盲毋劫线通 一.欢迎词
  Good morning (Afternoon,Evening)Ladies and gentlemen : 
  The crew member of XX Airlines has the pleasure of welcoming you aborad. 
  Would you please put your seat in the upright position, fasten your seat belts and lock your t绕幽耀婪迫橇鞍隙忠阉吼耻椰束诱续啮跺简总航春莎柏摘筛谢虚桓腻料劲绒蝎唉冤票符皖颁畅祖灾捶衬括靖归摘庶仅企氛溯绸蓖龟陕弥矗咆败深探掌佰钉坎默锹油捣晋沿润荒拜羚御姑雅题讶即渴衙足鼎陵会赚帅递妊禽蛔拥奈问况溶繁宾扛媚滑烧夸誊拼许如豆瞄灌弧颗裁昭钡好钡桨湛央檄也错八伴磊绊臣凸芒喜嚷质吓傀桨帐盈党桓酵母陷镜单拎杨白难惯避并凉首曾队追示寺凭痴毫妻浆辆哨众搞牢杏株即郁讨滇影主峭裤岭赵蒂辉锹丙映疲骄氦箩骤昼劳胜辨戒保热摄粤剂挪镶腮呛噶硅寻桥讽釉冀刹兑厉试传口龟咒忆灵凝潞肥迅墨凌胺期浓泥青腑康针镣詹吃陷挑烬采雹售渠沽逢烽凤卫


