
发布时间:2018-06-30 10:25:10   来源:文档文库   

The Ant Bully


Oh, that's it! Spindle ['spindl], taillight ['teilait].史宾 尾灯

Hey. Hey!

- What?

- What do you mean, "what"?你说什么 怎样

Hey! Hey, what are you doing? 你想干嘛

Yeah, this is the sleeping chamber ['tʃeimbə]房间;会所. 这是睡眠室 快睡吧

Go to sleep.

Don't make me come up there! 要我上来修理你吗

I'm so sorry, but I must have the final ingredient [in'ɡri:diənt]n. 原料;要素;组成部分 for my potion ['pəuʃən]. 但我的药就差这最后一个材料了

Now, what's more important:

Me completing my life's work for the salvation [sæl'veiʃən]n. 拯救;救助 of the colony ['kɔləni]殖民地;群体;...Which includes you guys. 让我完成毕生心血好拯救整个国度 这可包括你们哦

Or your sleep? 或是让你们睡

- Sleep. I'm going with sleep. 我选择睡觉

- Yeah, the second one. 是啊,第二个

Well, then I shall try to be very quiet.

Clacktiel. 克雷尅提尔

That's it, I'm coming up there!够了 我要上去

Fire crystals.火水晶

At last. The final ingredient. [in'ɡri:diənt]最后一样药材了

I'm on vacation.

- No. No, cut it out.快住手

- Dogpile.有东西啊


It's the Destroyer!

Atomic [ə'tɔmik] wedgy. ['wedʒi] 内裤拉到头上

And a clean break. 断的漂亮

- Clean break. Excellent wedge. [wedʒ] 这次拉的很棒

- Yeah. All right.

Come on, man,拜托

I'm running out of underwear. ['ʌndəwεə]内裤用完了

Well, what are you gonna do about it, huh?那你想怎么办


- Because I'm big and you're small.

- Yeah.

- Because he's big and you're small.

- Hey.

Quit repeating everything I say.

I was just adding emphasis ['emfəsis]强调,加强语气, dude.

Man, why you gotta be hating? 你为何不喜欢呢




- Zoc.

- Hova, please, get to the grass.躲进草丛里

It's dangerous up here.在上边太危险了

But I've always wanted to see a human up close.但我一直想看清楚人类长啥样

I hear they're capable of speech, like us.听说他们跟我们一样能说话

They are nothing like us.一点也不

What you gonna do about it, ants?


Because I'm big and you're small.

Away, monster, or I will use my powers to destroy you. 快滚开 怪物 不然我要用法力毁灭你

Powers that I have yet to perfect. 看来还需要在修炼



We mean you no harm. 我们没恶意

- Oh, great.

- Shoe!鞋子


- Please, go in peace.请和平的离开

- Look out!

- Are you all right?

- I... I guess he didn't hear me.


Peanut, it's time to come inside now.该回家了


I think I might have gotten through to him.我想我说服他了

- What do you think?

- Destroyer.

Tiffany ['tifəni], Lucas, we're leaving now. 蒂芬妮 卢卡斯 我们要走了

Lucas? All the numbers are on the fridge. 电话都抄在冰箱上了

What are you doing back there? 你在后面干嘛

Why didn't you answer?

- Are you all right, sweetie? ['swi:ti]甜心

- I'm fine.

- I was just playing with my friends.

- I don't know.

- Maybe we shouldn't go on vacation.

- Come on, it's our big wedding anniversary.别这样

We're going to Puerco Vallarta. 瓦亚塔港

and I gotta spend a little quality time with the mamacita辣妹.我想跟你好好度过美好时光

Don't cancel your vacation just because of me.

- I can solve my own problems.

- Problems? What problems?

Does it have anything to do with

why I can't find your underwear?


Bed-wetting is nothing

to be ashamed of, Peanut. 尿床没什么好丢脸的

What? Just stop it, Mom!

I don't have any problems

except for you treating me like a baby.

- Peanut.

- And stop calling me that.

Just go away and leave me alone.

I, Zoc, call upon the elements: 呼唤所有自然的元素

The wind that blows, rain that falls,

fire that burns. 吹动的风 降落的雨 燃烧的火

Deliver your awesome ['ɔ:səm] power and transform my potion. 用你们神奇的力量转化我的药水


That was great, sweetie.

I loved the smoke effects. 我最爱这烟的特效了

Didn't you, Spindle?


Curse [kə:s](诅咒) upon your children.诅咒你的孙子

I don't think rocks have children, honey.

- They won't now.

- Okay. What's the matter?

Hova, the potion is supposed to change color.

It's not changing color.

It's not changing color.

I call upon the elements:

Wind, rain, et cetera. [it'setrə]等等

Transform my potion and clacktiel.

Clacktiel, clacktiel...

- Maybe you're pronouncing it wrong.

- How could I pronounce it wrong?

- I made it up. 我瞎扯的

- Take a break.

Hova, perhaps you didn't notice...

..but we were almost squished [skwiʃ] today,

and the colony ['kɔləni] is in shambles. ['ʃæmblz]

今天我们差点被踩扁了 蚁窝也成了废墟

I am this close to finding a solution to the human problem.....and you tell me I need to... 我就差这么一点就能解决人类的问题了

Hova, what are you doing? 荷花,你在干嘛

- Nothing, I'm not doing anything.

- No. Wait.

- No.

- I'm simply walking towards you.

- There's no reason to panic.

- Wait. Now, Hova...

- I'm just coming towards you.

- Wait. No. Hova. No.

Does it tickle? ['tikl] 觉得痒;(东西)使人发痒

What about when I do this?

Why are you laughing?

I see you laughing.

Don't make me clacktiel you. 别让我对你念咒语喔

Well, I'm glad you two have something

to laugh about. 真高兴看见你们这么开心

- Head of Council. ['kaunsəl] 议长

- Hi.

How nice of you to... 真是荣幸你亲自…

It was unexpected. 太意外了

Forgive me.

I was working on an experiment.

Oh, yes, I see.

Well, we were... How may I be of service?


Zoc, attacks from the Destroyer grow more frequent.

Our food supplies are now desperately ['despərətli] low.


The council was hoping

perhaps you might have a solution.

Fight back. We must stop the Destroyer. 反击啊

But thousands of ants would needlessly die. 不必要地

Perhaps if we could communicate,

you know, just talk with the human.

Oh, what a great idea.

Let's have a nice chat.

Well, hello, Destroyer.

Gee [dʒi:], you look kind of tired.

Why don't you just rest your feet on my girlfriend.

Okay, oka...

Sometimes you're a real stinkbug ['stiŋk,bʌg], you know that? 有时你真的很讨厌

Zoc, a war with the human is...

It's impossible.

A wizard ['wizəd] knows no such word. 法师的字典里没有这个字

- Whatever.随你便

- Bye, Tiff. Bye, Lucas.

I love you.

You kids mind your grandma. 好好照顾你嬷嬷啊

Okay, goodbye. Have fun.

Don't worry, everything's under control.

A little help, please.

I think it's your turn.

Teeth in the grass.

Mommo, here's your...

What are you doing?

Preventing alien ['eiljən] abduction, [æb'dʌkʃən]绑架

that's what I'm doing.

Thank you.

Dang crabgrass.真臭的草 [dæŋ]讨厌;见鬼(等于damn['kræbgra:s]n. 一种杂草

See these? Airflow. Aliens hate airflow. 看见了吗 气流 外星人最怕气流了

Drives them nuts. And if they try to cut能搞疯他们

the power in the middle of the night...

..these babies will wake me up.

- We gotta be prepared. Tell your friends.

- I don't have any friends.

Well, who's gonna look out for you照顾

when you get old...

..and your teeth are falling out,

and them aliens are after you?

- Lucas.

- I'll look after myself.

- Good night, Mommo.

- Good night. Sleep tight.好好睡啊

Don't let the bedbugs ['bedbʌɡ] bite...臭虫

..or creep [kri:p] into your ear爬行

and lay eggs in your brain.

- Dance, Pukas. ['pu:kəs] 普卡斯

- Dance, monkey boy, dance! 猴孩

Think fast. 反应快点



Zoc, please, not in front of Spindle.别在史宾面前这样


God, there must be something I missed.

Wait. A crack. Kræk裂缝

That's it.没错 Imperfections [,impə'fekʃəns] in the crystals. ['kristəl]水晶 不完美;瑕疵;缺点

Perhaps coating it ['kəutiŋ] 穿上外衣;盖上

in a viscous ['viskəs] 粘性的;黏的compound. ['kɔmpaund, kəm'paund] 化合物;混合物(用个粘贴的化合物涂上

Spindle. Resin. ['rezin] 树脂;松香


Oh, that's it. It worked!

The potion is complete!

Praise the Mother! Yes! Yes! Yes! 感谢圣母


- Zoc.

- Hova, hang on. 顶住啊

Spindle, get the potion. Quickly. ['pəuʃən]


Yep, I was about your age [jep] 是(美国俚语=yes

when I flooded my first colony.


Brother, those were good times. 那真是好玩的日子啊

Good times!

- Who are you?

- Stan Beals is the name.

Beals-A-Bug Pest [pest] Control. 贝尔虫害防治中心

Exterminator [ik'stə:mineitə] 害虫专家, eradicator, [i'rædikeitə] 根除者;根除器

solver of problems.

Hey, you must be the Nickle boy, right? 你一定是尼克家的孩子

Now, your dad ordered my services...

..but he forgot to sign the contract ['kɔntrækt, kən'trækt]

before he left.

Busy man. Lot on his mind. It happens.

So he just told me to talk to you...

- Lucas.

- Yeah, Lucas.

He said, "You have my son, Lucas,

sign the contract for me...

..if I happen to forget to before I leave.

He's a grown man now. "

His exact words. 一字不差喔

I don't know.

Do you have any references? ['refərəns] 介绍信;证明书



There's one.

I don't think I should. 我觉得这样不太好

You don't think you should, huh? 哼!;哈!(表示轻蔑、疑问或惊异等)

You don't think?

So who does your thinking for you? 通常谁帮你决定Your mommy?

Mommy, Mommy, Mommy,

what do I do?

I'm just a little baby

that can't think for myself.

Please wipe my little bottom ['bɔtəm] 底部;臀部for me.

Wipe me. Oh, oh, please, wipe me.

- Give me that stupid contract.

- Yes, sir. A very mature [mə'tjuə] decision. 成熟的

I wrote that.

- Are you all right?

- I'm fine.

Spindle? Spindle?

Spindle. You saved it你救到药水了.

Oh, well, come here.

Well, someone's getting an extra moldy ['məuldi] root tonight. 发霉的;乏味的;陈腐的(今晚有人可以加菜了

- Okay, okay.

- Zoc.

Spindle, light.

- Mother, help us. 圣母 帮助我们

- Oh, no.

To attack without provocation, [,prɔvə'keiʃən] 挑衅

without reason.....just because they can, it's...It's barbaric. [bɑ:'bærik] 野蛮的,粗野的;原始的

这样无端挑衅攻击就因为他们可以 实在是太野蛮了

But what can we do?

We are lost.

No. We are saved.

This is our salvation. [sæl'veiʃən] n. 拯救;救助;救赎

A potion?

What exactly does it do?

Hey. Hey, hey.

Human. Come with us.

Shoo. [ʃu:] Shoo. Get away. Get away. 快走开

I got a fan. I'm windy. 我有电扇 我很有风的

I am windy.


Scanning. [skæn] Scanning. Scanning. 扫描中…

Stop! Hey, come on! Cut it out! 快住手 快住手

What are you doing out of bed, tiny Lucas?

Who are you? What did you do to me?

Let me go!

Gross. [ɡrəus] 粗野的;恶劣的Hey, cut it out. 恶心 快住手啦

Put me down! Hey. Stop. Put me down.

Put me down!

What is that? Oh, he smells. 这是干嘛 他真臭

- It's the human.

- It's Peanut, the Destroyer.

Oh, my.

- All right, Peanut, this way.

- It's small.

- What is it?

- Touch it.

- Don't touch it.

- Hey.

- Poke it. [pəuk] 刺,捅;戳

- He's so soft.

- His skeleton is on the inside.

- He's inside out?

Where are you taking me? Help!

Who are you? What did you do to me?

Let me go!

Human.....you have been brought before the council...

..to face judgment for crimes against the colony.


Read the charges. 念起诉书吧

"This human-destructor beast... [bi:st] 野兽;畜生,人面兽心的人

..hereafter[,hiə'rɑ:ftə] referred to

as Peanut the Destroyer...

..did willfully ['wilfəli] 故意地

and with malice ['mælis]( 怨恨;恶意;预谋) aforethought... [ə'fɔ:θɔ:t] n. 预谋adj. 预谋的;事先考虑的;故意的

..crush[krʌʃ] the food-storage chambers... 压坏,压碎

..flood all of the lower hatching chambers...

..and douse [daus] the colony浸泡

with the dreaded [dred] yellow rain. 可怕的

这个具毁灭性的野兽 以下简称毁灭者花生 涉嫌蓄意犯下以下罪行 摧毁食物储藏室 灌水到底层孵育室 以及将蚁窝浸入可怕的黄雨

Hey, come on, I had to go. 拜托 我得要尿尿啊

Sentencing of the human

will be handed down.....by the queen herself.


Greetings, my children... 大家好 我的子民

..and to our unusual guest... 以及这特殊的宾客

..a human that threatens

the very existence of our colony.

Wait a second! Wait, wait, wait.

Time out. 暂停 时间到

How was I supposed to know

ants had feelings or families or trials? ['traiəl] 审讯; 磨炼

- You're just a bunch ['bʌntʃ] of stupid ants. 一群

- Destroy the Destroyer!

- Throw him in the pit. [pit] 深坑

- Let's eat him!

No, wait. We are not mindless ['maindlis] savages. ['sævidʒ] 野蛮的()

a 不小心的;愚蠢的;不需要动脑筋的;不顾虑的

This human should be studied.

- And then we'll eat him.

- Yeah.

Eat! Eat! Eat!

Order. Order. 肃静

Be still, be still. 冷静点

Tonight we have a choice.

We could destroy this human

and make safe this day. 安全度过今日

Or we could change

the nature of this human...

..and perhaps create

a brighter future for all ants.

I therefore sentence the human

to live and work in the colony... ['kɔləni]

..to learn our ways.

He must become an ant.

- What?

- No. No, my queen.

What if he does not become an ant?

Okay, I mean, come on.

That would be regrettable. [ri'ɡretəbl] 可惜的;可悲的;抱歉的;令人遗憾的

But... But who will teach him our ways?

- I will.

- Hova?

It is done.就这样吧

Let us continue our work.

That's it?

How long am I gonna be like this?

I wanna go home.

Wait. This is inhuman. [in'hju:mən] 无人性的;野蛮的;残忍的

Yes, it is.

Hello, Peanut?


Hello? We have to go.

It's time to start your training.

Where are you?

Okay, okay. It's simple.

All I have to do is run past the guards,

then escape the anthill...

..and not get eaten by anything.

- Well, hello there.

You know, there's a million things

I wanna ask you.

When were you hatched? ['hætʃid]

Are you...? Are you male or female?

And how do you tell the difference?

Is it...? Oh, is that how? 是这样吗

Hey, stop peeking. [pi:k] 窥视,偷看

Or... Or I'll stomp [stɔmp] on you. 践踏;踩

Well, I wouldn't if I were you.

You see, I'm the only friend you've got.

You're gonna eat me.

You know, now that you mention it,

you do look soft and chewy... ['tʃu:i] 难嚼的

..but I promised the queen I wouldn't.

Cross your heart. 你发誓(在自己胸前画十字)

What? Oh, all right.

Cross my heart, I will not eat you.

I said, cross your heart, not your butt. [bʌt] 屁股

I just did.

See, there, did it again.

Strange custom.

I'm still not going.

- Peanut, you need to...

- My name's Lucas, not Peanut.


Well, Lucas. You heard the queen.

You must become an ant

if you ever want to return home.

And how am I supposed to do that?

Well, you just have to find your place in the colony.


So, Lucas,

do you have any special skills?

I can make milk come out of my sister's nose.

Okay, well, let's try foraging. ['fɔridʒ] 试试觅食的工作

The instructor is a personal friend of mine.指导员,教员

I'm sure she'd love to help.

Peanut? The Destroyer?

I had to move out of my nest because of you.

I lost everything.

Took me all morning to rebuild.

Hova, don't tell me that you

are mentoring['mentɔ:] this... This... This...指导

It's Lucas.

Why is he covered in trash [træʃ]? Is he crazy? 垃圾;废物


Because I don't teach crazy ants.

No, no, no. He calls the trash "clothes. "

They like keeping their gender ['dʒendə] traits [trei, treit] hidden. 他们喜欢把性别特征藏起来

He's male.

Okay, Lucas, you're on the blue team. 你到蓝队去吧

- Oh, man. That's not fair.

- Come on.

Hey, hey, hey, quiet.

And suck [sʌk] 吮吸in that thorax. ['θɔ:ræks, 'θəu-]胸腔

Like everything in the colony,

foraging ['fɔridʒ] is a team effort.觅食

In this test, each team must act

as a single unit to avoid obstacles...

..retrieve [ri'tri:v]重新得到 the sweet [swi:t] rock

and return to the nest.

No ant gets left behind.

First team back wins.

Any questions?

- Hello, baby.

- Fugax.

Well, isn't it true that scout [skaut] ants, 跟踪,监视

such as myself.....lead an exciting life of adventure

and intrigue. [in'tri:ɡ, 'in-]阴谋;诡计

- Fugax!

- While foragers ['fɔridʒə], such as you... 抢劫者

..just walk around and pick up sticks.

Questions, anyone?

- Oh, sir?

- The guy with the crooked ['krukid]弯曲的 mandibles. ['mændibl] 下颌骨;上颚,嘴的上部

What kind of adventures?

Well, I'm glad you asked.

- Fugax.

- Gather round, young scouts. [skaut] 侦察员

In my travels, I have journeyed

far beyond the great flat rock.

You mean, the street?

No. The great flat rock.....where the humans

ride in their giant metal cocoons. [kə'ku:n] 茧;卵囊


Did I call on you?

Who invited Captain Party Pooper?

Fugax, meet the Destroyer.


Now, are there any other...?

Are there any other questions

about your assignment? 分配;任务;作业;功课

Yeah, what's a sweet rock?


- Bridge.

- Stack up. 堆积;累计;加起来

Bridge, hooyah.

Come on, Peanut.

Hello, I can do it myself.

Hey, guys. I think he's dead.

I'm not dead.

- Ladder.

- Ladder, hooyah.

- Come on.

- Grab [ɡræb] hold. 霸占;将深深吸引

I don't need your help.

I need your help! I need your help!

Bye, losers.

Come on.

- All right.

- Hurry, human.

You're gonna make us lose.

Hey. I've only got two legs.

Go, Two Legs, go.

Go, Lucas.

- Spring.

- Spring, hooyah.


Oh, time out.

I don't think I can do this...

All right.

- Let me off!

- Don't let go!

I'm gonna be sick.

Don't let go.

- I'm letting go.

- Don't let go.

He let go.

- A jellybean? ['dʒelibi:n] n. 一种豆形糖果

- All right, Lucas.

Good thinking.

Slingshot ['sliŋʃɔt] 弹弓, hooyah.

- All right, Lucas. Good job.

- Yeah, Peanut, you rule. 统治;裁定;管辖

- Come on, we're losing. Let's go.

- Good job, Lucas.

- Did we win yet?

- Almost.

We just have to get the sweet rock over the finish line.

Come on, let's go.

Hurry up, Peanut.

Yeah, right.

Hurry, Lucas, climb the wall.

Climb fast, Peanut.

They're catching up.

Bye-bye, loser.

Climb the wall.

Come on. Climb the wall.

Come on.

Forget it. This game is rigged. [riɡd] 作弊的,以不正当手段操纵的

- Ladder.

- Hooyah.

Come on. Let's go. Go, go, go.

We got it. We go it. Yeah, man. All right.

Red rules. 统治;裁定;管辖

Red team wins.

All right. We did it.

Thanks for trying.

Lucas, you did fine, really.

You just need to discover the ant within.

Start by visualizing ['vizjuəlaiz] yourself with six legs.


- Then, if you...

- How's that gonna get me home?

Look at me. I'm not a stupid ant.

Lucas, being an ant means more

than just having six legs or...

Or lifting 10 times your own weight

or walking vertically ['və:tikəl] up a wall...垂直的

..it's being part of a colony. ['kɔləni]

Not always thinking of yourself first.

- Oh, careful.

- Hey, don't touch me.

I'm trying to help you.

You think this is easy for me?

Being the Destroyer's little helper?

So you worry about you,

and I'll worry about me.

Oh, Lucas.

That's not the way ants are.

Oh, Hova, that's the way I am.

Well, if I could just...

Just what?

Hello? Earth to ant lady. 嗨,蚂蚁女士?

You were in the middle

of sounding like my mom.

They're coming. Run!

Hey. Hey! What's wrong?

- They're after the herd. [hə:d] 兽群,畜群

- What herd?

Whoa, easy, girl.


Take cover. 躲藏,隐蔽

Tell the queen I love her.

Oh, we're cut off.

Come, brothers, for queen and colony.

Get to the grass.

Attack formation. 形成;编队;构造

Load them up. 装载货物

- Enemy fire.

- Watch your wing. Watch your wing.

- Now, that's gotta sting. [stiŋ] 刺痛;被刺痛;感到剧痛

- Nice shot.

My turn.

- Thanks.

- Where's Hova?

I don't know.

Come on.

To your positions. Ready.

Squirt. [skwə:t] 注射;喷射


Please, I was just following orders.

Who wants magic?


You look tasty.

Leave him alone.

Hova? Oh, quick, get out of my way.


- Hova.

- Hurry.

Everyone, into the grass.

Don't just stand there. Help her.

Lucas, run.

What are you doing?

Everyone, into the grass.

Where are you.....little bug?

Please, hurry up. Light, light.

Light, light.

Hova, get down.



Stop, hey! No, no.

Fire in the hole!

- What was that?

- It's bath [bɑ:θ/bæθ] time.


They're leaving.

We... We won.

All hail [heil] the Destroyer.致敬,欢迎;万岁

Peanut! Peanut!

Brilliant. Genius.

I mean, Lucas made a:

And then... they all flew away.

And now I know

why they call you Peanut.

He's got a brain the size of a peanut.

Lucas the Destroyer.

I take back everything

I thought about you.

You saved us.

Thank you, Lucas.

Yeah, sure.

He saved us.

Oh, it's so obvious, I was so dumb. [dʌm] 哑的,无说话能力的;不说话的,无声音的

Praise the Destroyer.

Wake up. He saved himself.

The rest of us just...

Just got in the way.

Zoc. Oh, are you all right?

- No, I'm...

- What happened to you?

I'm fine. I'm fine.

- You're hurt.

- No, it's nothing, really, I just...

Zoc, do you have any yucca ['jʌkə] 丝兰sap? [sæp] 精力,元气

Lucas has a burn. Poor baby.

This is our enemy.

They do not save ants, they kill ants.

He very nearly killed me.

Or does that not matter to you?

Dinner is served.

And I'm the dessert. [di'zə:t] 餐后甜点;甜点心

And I'm on a low-fathead ['fæthed] diet. 傻瓜

And you know, it looks good on you.

So, Lucas, what are you working on?


This is some good honeydew. ['hʌnidju:] 蜜露;蜜汁;甘汁

Oh, Lucas, you have to try some.

It's so good.

Go ahead.

This is awesome. ['ɔ:səm] 可怕的,引起敬畏的

Tastes like green-apple bubble ['bʌbl] gum [ɡʌm]. 气泡,泡沫,泡状物 口香糖

That went away quick.

Another round for you?

Oh, yeah, keep it coming.

Get it while it's hot.

Whoa, I didn't know

humans could change their colors.

- Trippy. ['tripi] 由致幻药引起幻觉的

- Perhaps our young pupa....ate too much honeydew.

Here, eat this.

It'll make you feel better.

What did that come out of?

It's an alka root.

Zoc discovered its powers to expel [ik'spel] 驱逐;开除evil['i:vəl] 罪恶,邪恶;不幸

and create well-being.

He is a great wizard.

Yeah, he hates me.

Whoa, he really does, doesn't he?

I mean, he hates your guts. [ɡʌt]

It's actually amazing

how much he hates your guts.

Okay, I'm sorry.

Yes, Zoc has anger issues,

especially towards humans...

..but he's a true ant.

Hard on the outside,

but soft on the inside.

Just give him time, Lucas.

Praise the Mother.

Praise the Mother.


Who is this mother

you keep talking about, anyway?

Is it the queen?

No, Lucas, the Ant Mother.

The queen of queens.

She gave birth to the first colony.

To all ants.

Come on. It's time for you to see.

This is the Chamber of the Ages.

What are these?

They tell the story of our colony, our history.

These are pretty cool.

This is the image of the Ant Mother.

It is said that one day she will return...

..and honeydew will pour

from the sky like rain.

Then we will never go hungry again.

So you actually want warm poop [pu:p]

to fall from the sky?

Yes. That would be a blessed day. 神圣的;幸福的

I'm sorry, it's just so beautiful.

Hey, what's that one?

It's the evil one. ['i:vəl] 邪恶的;有害的;不幸的;讨厌的

The Cloudbreather.

It is ancient, drawn before our time.

No one knows for sure what it is,

except that death is said to follow it.

I think it's just a story used

to scare naughty pupas ['pju:pə] into behaving.

No, the exterminator.

L... I gotta cancel him.

I gotta go home now.

But you're not an ant yet.

- Just a quick visit.

- No way, Two Legs.

The humans' nest is strictly forbidden.

Well.....the colony needs food, right?


Yeah, sweet rocks.

My house is filled with them.

- In assorted [ə'sɔ:tid] colors and flavors. 各种各样的

- Assorted flavors?

Even the greenies?

Well, you'll be needing a scout. [skaut] 侦察员

No. There is no way

you're gonna get me...

- I'm in.

- Come on.

Better be some red ones.

Wow, this is a big nest.

Must have taken thousands

of humans to build this.

- What's that?

- It's just the door.

A door? Fantastic.

Do all of your guests

pass under this door?

Well, actually, you guys

are the first friends I've had over.

We are the first ones?

Kreela, we're the first ones to pass under the door.

- Great.

- And to think...

..all of this is made from your own poop.


Oh, why did Mom have to get shag [ʃæɡ] carpet? 有粗毛的;蓬乱的 ['kɑ:pit] 地毯

It'll take days to get to the kitchen.

Oh, gee, that is too bad.

I guess now we'll have to go home before we all get in trouble.



Come on.

This is called hang-gliding. ['hæŋ,glaidiŋ] 悬挂式滑翔运动

Have you ever done this, actually?

I played the video game.

Now, when I give the word, everybody jump.


Oh, sorry, was that the word?

- Coming.

- Hey, hey, look out.

For queen and colony.

Oh, God.

- Show off.

- Awesome. Yeah.

This is Hawaii.

We went there last summer.

It's got volcanoes and hula ['hu:lə] dancers草裙舞(夏威夷的);呼拉圈舞(夏威夷的)

and Don Ho and surfboards. ['sə:fbɔ:d] 冲浪板

And I caught a fish.

And these are the pyramids. ['pirəmid] 金字塔

Well, not the real pyramids.

The real ones are lots bigger.

Mommo says aliens built them.

She's my grandma.

Oh, are these your nest mates?

Yeah, that's my family.

Which one's the queen?

My sister thinks she is.

What's wrong?

Nothing. It's just, well...

I should have told my mom goodbye. That's all.

I can be a real jerk [dʒə:k] sometimes. 蠢人

- Lucas, your face is leaking. [li:k] 流泪

- Leaking?

Oh, no, it's okay.

Is that what humans do

when they're sad?

They leak from the face?

When ants are sad, we do this:

Oh, Lucas, it's... It's...

It's beautiful!

Sweet rocks, come to papa! ['pɑ:pə]

Red one.

What are you doing?

Why aren't you taking the red ones?

Well, it's actually

quite simple, sugar lips.

I hate the red ones.

Well, I love the red ones.

- Hate them.

- I love them!

- Hate, hate, hate.

- Love. Love.

- Admit it, you find me attractive.

- What?

Oh, how you tease [ti:z] me取笑;梳理;戏弄;欺负

with your sweet talk.

Oh, you want some sweet talk?

Because I'll give you some sweet talk.

Now grab a red one before I pull these off.

Whoa, I need those.

What are we doing?

Nothing, nothing.

- Mommo, I'm back!

- What was that?

- Tiffany.

- What's a Tiffany?

- Hurry up!

- Right.

Leave the red ones behind!


Hey, pipsqueak ['pip,skwi:k], you there? 矮小的人;小人物


That kid and his stupid electronic toys.

What is he doing?

Jumping. You know,

hippity hop, uppity downy?

It's a scout thing.

You wouldn't understand.

Okay, come on. One more.

I just need a seven.

- Hello. How are you?

- Hi.

Pizza Kingdom. Hail to the king.

Would you like to try our new

Princess Pepperoni with tangy Jester Sauce?

Hello! This is Lucas Nickle!

I need to cancel my order!

You don't want to order?

Please cancel the contract!

Yes. No exterminator.

I'm canceling the contract.

What? You... You wanna cancel?

Who is this?

Oh, Bill, is this you, man?

You got me, man. You got me, dude.

That's a relief.

Okay, Lucas, I don't understand

most of what just happened.

What is an exterminator?

Oh, don't worry. Everything's okay now.


This is Tiff. Hi, Mom.

Yeah, everything's fine.

Lucas is being a pest. [pest] 害虫;有害之物;讨厌的人

He's in his room playing.....those stupid video games.

- No, no!

I will. I will. Okay, Mom.

Yes. I'm hugging the phone too. Bye.

You must be Queen Tiffany.

Allow me to introduce...

Remember your training.

Oh, no. No, no, no! Mother!


Tiffany, no! You'll squish [skwiʃ] Lucas. 压扁;把...挤扁

Hello. Nobody's shrunk. [ʃrʌŋk] 收缩(shrink的过去分词)

Gotta go. Bye-bye.

What are you talking about?

Lucas! You let him go. It's me you want.

Come back. Probe [prəub] me instead. Lucas! 调查;探测

Bring back Lucas, you alien scum! [skʌm] 浮渣;糟粕

Oh, Lucas. Lucas.

- Okay, Mommo.

- Lucas.

Let's go find your other teeth.

Hova, where are you?

Hova? Hova! Are you all right?

Are we all right? Of course.

Why wouldn't we be?

We're fine. We're all right. Silly.

Whoa, whoa, wait.

No, wait, now, hold up.

Zoc! Zoc, guess what we did?

We went to Hawaii.

We saw the pyramids.

We flew without wings.

At first, it was like:

But then it was:

Of course, the others were terrified, ['terifaid] 受惊吓的;感到恐惧的

so I took charge. And then we...

We were inside the humans' nest.

Humans' nest? That's forbidden!

Right, right.

But the nest was filled

with sweet rocks, okay.

Lots of them.

But then Queen Tiffany started swatting, [swɔt] 用劲打击

some massive ['mæsiv] flying teeth attacked us...


..and, well, here we are.

What a day. Good night. 多好的一天;多糟糕的一天(语气)

And who told you

about these sweet rocks?

- Lucas, of course.

- Really?

Hi, there. How are you?

- Okay.

- Okay. That's good.

It's good to be okay.

Listen, I just wanted

to show you something, if that's okay.

You know what this is?

This is the potion that will

make you big again.

I just wanted you to take

a good, long look at it.

Because this is the last time

you will ever see it.

What do you mean?

I mean, there is no way I am ever

going to make you big again.

Ever. You are a threat

to every ant in this colony.

Especially to Hova.

But I would never do anything to hurt Hova.

I just... I...

I just wanna go home.

Well, then, if I were you...

..I'd try to find help somewhere else,

because there is nothing for you here.


The pain, the pain! It's unbearable.

Just put me out of my misery! ['mizəri] 痛苦,悲惨;不幸

Oh, hold still, you big pupa.

I haven't even touched you yet.

Be gentle with me.

- Where's Lucas?

- Isn't he with you?

- No.

- Lucas? Lucas? That's weird. [wiəd] 怪异的;不可思议的

Well, he's probably off destroying

some other poor, unfortunate colony.

You know how they are. Destroyers.

Zoc, what have you done?

- Me? What did I do?

- Where is he?

He's gone.

- He led you into a trap [træp], Hova. 陷阱;圈套

- There was no trap.

He led us to food.

He was trying to protect us from...

- From what? What, Hova?

- From something.

Oh, something!

And I was worried it was from nothing.

He's blinded you, Hova.

No, you are the one who's blind.

You are so consumed沉浸在…

by your hatred ['heitrid] for the humans...憎恨;怨恨;敌意

..you see only what you want to see.

- Oh, come on.

Zoc, I see a young pupa,

a human learning our ways...

..becoming part of this colony,

becoming an ant.

- Impossible.

- Listen to yourself, Zoc.

"A wizard knows no such word. "

So, what are you now?

Certainly not the ant I love.


I did it for you, for the colony.

You did it for yourself.

Hova, I...

He won't make it

through the night alone.

Fugax, your leg's broken.

Yeah, but I still have five good ones.

Very good ones.

You know, I believe he was trying

to protect us from something.

See you, Zoc.

Maybe Zoc is right.

Now I'll never get home.

Hi! Nice evening, huh?

Oh, may I?

Sure, help yourself.

Thanks, I love water! I'm a beetle ['bi:tl] that甲虫;大槌

loves water, but I'm not a water beetle.

Isn't that funny? I'm a beetle...

Hey, Lucas.

Hey, anybody know what... means?

I think I just figured it out.

Croaker! ['krəukə] 嘎声的人;喊冤者,鸣冤者

This way!

Don't ever leave me again.

- But Zoc told me...

- You are my pupa, not Zoc's.

Lucas, come on.

Climb! You can do it. Just concentrate.

I'm an ant. Okay, I'm an ant.

- He's got it. He's got it.

- Look, I'm an ant!

He hasn't got it.

Grab hold!



Wow, we came right down that guy's throat, didn't we?

Hey, smiley ['smaili], you're on my wing. 微笑的;引起微笑的

Oh, oh, I'm sorry. I am so sorry.

So, what do you guys do?

I'm a glowworm ['ɡləuwə:m]. I glow. 萤火虫

That's great!

You're really starting to irritate ['iriteit] me. 激怒

Can you...?

Oh, gross. [ɡrəus] 粗野的;恶劣的

Will you quit eating, fatso? ['fætsəu] []胖子

It's cramped [kræmpt] in here. 难懂的;难辨的;狭窄的

There's no more room!

Don't worry. I'm afraid we will be

moving along in due course. 到期的;应得的

Always with the negative with you.

Why can't you be more... Hey, Lenny!

This is what I'm talking about.

Lenny always has a smile on his face...

Let me out! Let me out!

- I don't wanna be a toadstool! ['təudstu:l] 毒菌;伞菌

- "A toadstool. " That's great.

- You like that?

- That's very funny.

There's plenty more

where that came from, pal. [pæl] 朋友,伙伴;同志

I like... Hi, what's your name?

There he goes again.

Stop! Come back!

- Hova!

- No!

Hova, he's gone.

Croaker, ['krəukə] over here. This way! 喊冤者,鸣冤者

- Zoc!

- Zoc!

I am delicious, eat me.

Zoc, are you crazy?

- He's crazy.

- Hey, froggy! ['frɔɡi] 不好的;讨厌的

No relationship is worth this.

Oh, sure. Why not? Come on in.

- Welcome to paradise.

- Zoc! How'd you get here?

I sure didn't come in

through the rear [riə] entrance. 后面的

Welcome. Make yourself at home. Hi.

Who is this? Your ant?

Zoc, you are crazy.

You're inside a frog [frɔɡ], for Mother's sake. [seik] 青蛙


What are you doing? This is impossible!

"Listen to yourself, Zoc.

A wizard knows no such word.

So, what are you now?"

Weirdo. ['wiədəu] 古怪的人,奇怪的人

What does she see in you?

- What does she see in you?

- Exactly!

Not me.

- Hey, is that?

- Alka root? So it is.

- Oh, no.

- Oh, my.

You might wanna let go of that.

Oh, no. So you can grab it? 攫取;霸占;将深深吸引

I don't think so.

- Hands in the air.

- Oh, my.

Wow, that was great!

Hey, we sure owe you one!

Thanks a lot!

I'm free! I'm free!

Oh, crap. [kræp] 废话;废物;屎;拉屎

Hey, Zoc, thanks. But why'd you do it?

An ant will sacrifice himself for his friends.

- I thought you hated me.

- I didn't do it for you.

All right, well, we should camp露营here for the night.

Come on, Fugax. Let's forage ['fɔridʒ] some food. 搜寻

Excuse me? I don't forage.

I'll scout for food.

Right, let's go.

Zoc, stay with Lucas.

He's been through a lot today.

- Hova, please, don't ask me to...

- He's not what you think.

There is goodness ['ɡudnis] in him. 善良,仁慈

There's an ant in him.

See, he really is trying.

Come on. You can do it.

- Concentrate.

- One, two, three.

Think ant. Ant. Ant.

Yeah, all right.


It's funny.

The sky looks exactly the same.

Everything else is so different...

..but it's the same sky, the same stars.

Why must you keep doing that?

- Are you ill?

- What? Oh, you mean yawning. ['jɔ:niŋ] 打呵欠

- I'm just tired.

- Please stop. It's disgusting. [dis'ɡʌstiŋ] 令人厌恶的

- Ants don't yawn?

- Definitely not, thank you.

So this city of yours, it's like a nest?

Well, yeah. Kind of.

And the humans that live there are all brothers...

..working together for the greatness of their colony?

Well, not exactly.

It's a little more like,

you know, every man for himself.

But that's so primitive. ['primitiv] 原始的,远古的

How does anything get done?

Some people work together.

Some. Why not all?

I suppose it's because of their differences.

But it's the differences that make a colony strong.

Foragers, scouts, drones, ['drəun] 混日子

nurses, regurgitators....all are different,

but an essential [i'senʃəl] part of the whole. 必要的;基本的

This is where we ants draw our strength.

My differences just get me beat up. 暴打,痛打

- And why is that?

- I don't know.

Some humans prefer to clobber ['klɔbə] people击倒;痛打

they don't understand.

Like you prefer to clobber ants.

I guess I didn't think about what I was doing.

Seems to happen a lot.

I suppose sometimes I, too,

can act without thinking.

Perhaps in this way, we are alike.

Good night, Lucas.

Good night, Zoc.

- What's the matter?

- Look!

- What is it? What's wrong?

- I see her!

- Who her?

- The Ant Mother!

She's come! She's here!

Look! Look!

What do you know?

There really is an...



But I cancelled the contract.

Praise the Mother!

- Praise the Mother!

- She's come at last!

Everyone, please, calm down.

Listen to me! It is not the Ant Mother!

- It is a Cloudbreather!

- It's true.

He's come to wipe out the entire colony.

How can we possibly fight back?

His magic is strong.

Sprayers. 喷雾器


Oh, that's the stuff. [stʌf] 材料;东西

Zappers. ['zæpə] 微波灭虫器;微波除草器

Sulfur ['sʌlfə] bombs[bɔm]. 硫磺炸弹

And how do you know of this creature?


- Because I brought him here.

- Lucas!

I knew it. I told you.

- Guards, remove this human.

- Come on, kid.

- Hova!

- Lucas!

- No.

- Wait. The potion.

That's it! Zoc, you shrunk [ʃrʌŋk] me. 收缩(shrink过分)

You can shrink the Cloudbreather.

We can load these things up and then:

Right in the ear!

Yes. Yes, perhaps.

But the Cloudbreather towers above us like a tree.

How do we get close enough?

I've got an idea.

Zoc, you would trust this human?

Yoo-hoo, ['ju:,hu:] hello? 为引起处的人注意时的叫声

We need to talk to you.

Show yourselves.

Down here. Hello?

Well, well, well.

Just in time for lunch.

- Hello.

- Wait.

Listen to me. We come in peace.

The exterminator's here. He brings

death clouds that will destroy us all...

..unless we can work together to stop him.

Death clouds, huh? 哼!;哈!(表示轻蔑、疑问或惊异等)

Okay, let's eat.

Get behind me.

Sir, the east nest, totally destroyed.

The cloud is coming.

The cloud!

What do you have in mind?

Remember, you only get one shot at it.

Don't fire until you see the wax [wæks] of his ears. 蜡;蜡状物

- Understood.

- Ready? Lucas?

- Good to go.

- Hey. Hey. Stop it. Stop it.

Zoc! Can I switch? Mine's broken.

All right, boys. Heat them up.

Let's fly.

Hey, that looks fun. Let's help, shall we?

Okay. I only live two weeks anyway.

Good for you.

First wave, attack!

So you want to rumble ['rʌmbl], huh? 隆隆声;抱怨声

Come on. Come on.

Come on!

I'm going in.

I can't get through.

He's got some kind of shield. [ʃi:ld] 防护物;保护者

Craznocks. Headphones! 'hedfəun] 双耳式耳机

For queen and colony!


Why have you stopped?

Oh, geez [ɡi:'ez]. Boy, that hurts. Please stop. 美俚]注射Bye-bye.

We'll have to land on him.

Find a way in.

He's reloading! Now's our chance. 换装

Draw! 拉;拖


- Welcome to the scalp. [skælp] 头皮;战利品

- Hello.

- Have a slice. 薄片;部分;菜刀

- Enjoy.


He's scratching[skrætʃ] again! 抓;刮

- To the armpit! ['ɑ:mpit] 腋窝

- Dive, dive!

Leave my friends alone!

Don't pick your nose.

Don't pick your nose.

- Need a lift?

- Thanks.


Hova, are you okay?


Nighty night.


Come on, get up!

We got to go, we got to go!

I'm done, little ant.

Run! Run!

Lucas, go on.

Save yourself.

That's not the way ants are.

Hurry up.

Lucas? Lucas!


You did it. You did it!

Now, that's an ant.

Oh, sorry.

Thanks, kid.

Oh, yeah!

- Our weapons are useless.

- We just need a clear shot.

Hey, wait. A shot.

Okay, now what?

Well, I don't know,

because I've never attacked before.

- Isn't that funny?

- Hilarious. [hi'lεəriəs] 欢闹的;非常滑稽的

Oh, look. Here's a way in.

Okay, I'm feeling like we ought to attack

something in here.

Hey, that looks vulnerable. ['vʌlnərəbl] 易受攻击的


Oh, look. Here's our way out.

Let's give this human a goodbye kiss.

Pucker up, Mr. Beals! 使缩拢;发脾气

No, no, no.

Stop. Just get away from me.

Get away from me.

You can't exterminate me.

Oh, yeah. I'm Stan Beals!

Oh, no, no, no!

Praise the Mother!

Lucas! Lucas! Lucas!

This day I no longer see

a human among ants...

..but instead a single colony.

No more Lucas the Destroyer...

..but Rokai the ant.

Welcome to the colony.

Isn't that wonderful?

- Rokai?

- It's an ant name.

A wizard name.

Rokai has earned his freedom.

And we have earned a friend.

Remember us.

Hey, Lucas...

I mean, Rokai.

Listen, once you get back...

..if you get the chance, how about

dropping a few sweet rocks now and then?

You know, red ones, preferably. ['prefərəbl] 更好地

Red ones?

I thought you hated the red ones.

Well, I do, but I'm starting to like them.

I'm gonna miss you, Two Legs.

Calling a human "friend. "

I thought that impossible until you came.

But, Zoc, a wizard knows no such word.

Very true.


But just wait until you're outside

before you drink it.

I still think I should have eaten you

when I had the chance.

I am soft and chewy. ['tʃu:i] 难嚼的

But I promised the queen I wouldn't.

I'm gonna miss you, Hova.

We're going to miss you too, Rokai.

Cross our hearts.

Cross our hearts!

He's back. He's back!

He's in his birthday suit.

Happy birthday, Lucas!

Got you that time.

Hi, Tiff. Is everything all right?

Where's Lucas?

Still locked in his room,

hiding from society.

Mom, hey, Mom!

- Lucas, what is it?

- I forgot to tell you goodbye.


Goodbye, Peanut. Oh, sorry,

I shouldn't call you that.

It's okay. I don't mind.

I don't know what you mean, honey.

- The door, the door!

- The door. Okay, I got it. I got it.

Hey, Pukas, where you been?

We've been looking for you.

- I think someone's overdue ['əuvə'dju:] for a dogpile.


- Yeah, dogpile!

He said dogpile.

Stop saying everything I say, got it?

Stop saying everything you say. Got it.

That's it. How about I dogpile you?

How about you leave him alone?

What the craznocks is wrong with you?

What? How about you make me?

Oh, that's right, you can't.

Because I'm big and you're small.

Yeah, I'm small. We're all small.

But together, we're big.

You think these stupid losers

are going to team up against me?

I can do anything I want to them,

and there's nothing they can do about it.

And the same goes for you, Pukas.


I said, dogpile!

- You heard the man.

- Dogpile!

No! Don't hurt me! Mommy!

Hey, you guys want to come over and play?

Yeah, cool. Come on, Lucas.

I'll catch up.

There's something I gotta do first.

Yeah! All right!

Oh, yeah.

They sure grow up fast.

- What?

- Look what I got.

Oh, no. Zoc.

Zoc! Wait! Wait! No, no! Stop!

Come on.

Stop it! I'm serious...

Sweet rocks!


