
发布时间:2018-03-14 01:23:12   来源:文档文库   

作者:张文领 牟希东 韦慧


        为了解亚致死剂量四聚乙醛对福寿螺的主要靶标酶和解毒酶活性的影响,研究了0.50 mg/L的四聚乙醛处理不同时间后福寿螺不同组织中乙酰胆碱酯酶(AchE)、谷胱甘肽S转移酶(GSTs)和多功能氧化酶(MFO)的活力变化。结果显示,四聚乙醛对福寿螺具有良好的杀灭效果, 96 h LC503.856 mg/L,安全浓度为0.039 mg/L;在用0.50 mg/L的四聚乙醛处理的24 h内,福寿螺鳃和腹足内AchE酶活力分别升高到未处理时的1.5651.481倍而后下降,肝和肠组织内AchE酶活力分别下降为未处理时的0.1320.282倍而后升高;不同组织中GSTs酶活力均呈现为降低升高降低的趋势;不同组织内MFO酶活力均为先下降后上升的趋势。研究表明0.50 mg/L的四聚乙醛能诱导AchEMFOGST活性不同程度的增加,解毒酶MFOGSTs可能在四聚乙醛的代谢中起着一定作用。




        S 482.5




        To explore the sublethal effect of metaldehyde exposure on main target enzymes and detoxification enzymes in Pomacea canaliculata the activity dynamics of AchE GSTs and MFO were measured under sublethal concentrations of metaldehyde. The results showed that metaldehyde could significantly kill P.canaliculata and 96 h LC50 and the safe concentration were 3.856 mg/L and 0.039 mg/L respectively. Under 0.50 mg/L metaldehyde stress AchE enzyme activity in gills and pleopod increased to 1.565 and 1.481 times as that of the control group respectively while the AchE activity in liver and intestine decreased to 0.132 and 0.282 times as that of the control group respectively but increased subsequently. GSTs activities were presented as a trend of “decreaseincreasedecrease” MFO activities decreased at the beginning and then were induced to increase to different extents. The results indicated that the activities of AchE MFO and GSTs were induced to enhance to some extent during metaldehyde metabolism and MFO and GSTs might play important roles in metaldehyde metabolism.


