Book 3 Unit 1 Text A 课文句子翻译及答案

发布时间:2017-12-10 11:53:44   来源:文档文库   

Book 3 Unit 1 Text A 课文句子翻译答案

Directions: Complete the sentences by translating the Chinese given in the brackets into English. The first letter of each word has been given to you.

1. On the contrary, I hated compulsory education w__ _ a p____. (极其)

2. Cupid aimed his arrow and s m r i t h .(正好射中了我的心)

3. Occasionally, Debbie would catch me staring at her, and she would f___a s____(露出一个微笑)that radiated intelligence and quickened my heartbeat.

4. And one day, as I was passing the supermarket, an idea c___t___me. (我想到一个主意).

5. I b____ a s____o_____r____(松了口气).


7It was obvious that I h m q an i . (留下了一个挺深的印象)

8. A few days later, during a fire drill, I c w t h and asked.


9. “Might be a n p t v .

but I certainly wouldn’t want to live there,” I said. (一个旅游的好去处)

10 don’t think I’d e c t v ,” she said.去旅游也不愿意)

11Naturally, the more I read, the more my c g . (信心也越强)

12I was gradually m my p f . (让别人感到了我的存在)

13. I s a l a Debbie and gave her a big wink. (偷偷瞥了黛比一眼)

14. The revelation h me h .打击很大)

15. For a while I f l forgetting everything I had learned. (真想)

16. The next year Debbie moved from the neighborhood and t t another



1. with a passion

2. struck me right in the heart.

3. flash a smile

4. came to me

5. breathed a sigh of relief.

6. My hand shot up

7. had made quite an impression.

8. casually went to her

9. nice place to visit

10. even care to visit

11. confidence grew

12. making my presence felt.

13. sneaked a look at

14. hit me hard

15. felt like

16. transferred to


《Book 3 Unit 1 Text A 课文句子翻译及答案.doc》
