Sleep speech睡眠演讲

发布时间:2018-11-22 10:27:31   来源:文档文库   



Hello, teachers and classmates, good afternoon! My name is Mao Luoli (Laura), I come from level 3E. Today, I am very glad to stand here and share with you my most sincere speech—— Effects of Insufficient Sleep on Teenagers.


As we all know,sleep is a physiological process that people must experience in their daily life, and it plays an irreplaceable role in people's physical and mental health. But do you know, how much time we will spend on sleep in our lives? I will answer this question in the following presentation.


And this is the outline of my speech today.


One-third of person’s life will be spent asleep, which means that if people live to 90 years, then 30 years will have been spent entirely asleep. This meaning sleep is very important to all of us. Every meaningful thing will have a commemorative day. So, the World Health Organization announced that on March 21 every year is "World Sleep Day". The purpose is to let an increasing number of people are conscious of the importance of enough sleep.


Now I will introduce the general concept of sleep on teenagers——the sleep cycle. There are two basic types of sleep: rapid eye movement (REM) sleep and non-rapid eye movement sleep. On a typical night, you can cycle through several stages of non-REM and REM sleep. NREM sleep accounts for three-quarters of sleep. When we started to fall asleep, we entered NREM sleep, which has four different stages. First stage, we starting to fall asleep. It takes about 10 minutes. We can wake up at this stage easily. Next, the second stage, the real sleep. It’s lasting about 20 minutes. Getting deeper into sleep. Then, the third is also called deep sleep. Teenagers are spent more than 20 minutes fell asleep. If people are awakened during deep sleep, they don't adjust immediately and often feel groggy. They will take a few minutes to locate themselves. After that, the fourth stage is coming out of heavy sleep. Finally, we enter REM sleep. At this stage, the consciousness of the young people is partial arousal and it is easy to wake up.


Nowadays, teenagers all over the world are facing a big problem. In the world around 25-40% of teenagers are suffering from lack of sleep. So, what effects of lack of sleep will give young people? Let’s move to next one.


The harm of lack of sleep are mainly reflected in the following aspects. Firstly, insufficient sleep can affect the creative thinking of young people's brains. If young people have long-term lack of sleep, the brain can’t get enough rest, it will affect the ability of creative thinking and processing information in the brain. Secondly, frequent insufficient sleep can reduce immunity, which can lead to various diseases such as, headache, cold and often feel tired cannot concentrate. Thirdly, continually experiencing inadequate sleep can eventually lead to depression, anxiety and other types of emotional problems.

Therefore, what is the reason for have insufficient sleep of adolescents


There are many factors that affect the sleep of adolescents. For example, pressure, late-night computer and phone use, eating a lot, doing heavy exercise and sleep with light on.

(1) As a student, teenagers need to complete their studies and worry about tests and exams. Therefore,they have some pressure. (2) During the heavy exercise, the human body will release more hormones. These hormones will cause the emotions of people to be excited. They need at least 3 hours to return to the original level, so bedtime exercise will hinder sleep. (3) Because light enters the eye, it interferes with the mechanism of sleep function in the brain, which reduces the secretion of melatonin, reduces drowsiness, and makes it difficult to fall asleep.


Now I will introduce three important time periods in sleep. First time period is 9 PM.-11PM. Immune system detoxification. Second time period is 11PM.-2AM. Human growth hormone secretion. Third time period is 2AM.-3AM. Melatonin secretion

(1) As long as people are alive, HGH will continue to secrete until death. The younger the age, the more HGH is secreted. (2) Melatonin is a hormone secreted by the brain. Insufficient melatonin may cause adolescents have problems with sleep disorders, multiple dreams, difficulty falling asleep, and easy to wake up. Melatonin production in the human body usually accelerates once evening nears and peaks at 3 o'clock.


The time when the secretion of sleep substances in the human body is relatively strong is about 10 o'clock in the evening. Therefore, the best time to sleep should be fixed between 9 and 11 in the evening. Consistently sleeping six to eight hours per night may be optimal for health

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There are some ways to improve the sleep quality of teenagers.

Firstly, specific bedtime behaviors. For example, go to bed early and get up early, prepare everything before going to bed, sleep less during the day, and not eat or drink coffee before going to bed. Secondly, the sleep strategies that work best for you. Some people will choose counting sheep. Thirdly, avoiding bright screens in the hour before sleep. Because blue light has been found to mess up your body's melatonin production. Melatonin can shorten the time to fall asleep at bedtime and awakening time. The last one is keeping bedrooms quiet and dark Research has shown that sleep is suitable for a dim environment.

This is my references.

I hope everyone will gain something after listening to my speech.

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This is the end of my presentation.

Thank you all very much for taking the time to listen to this presentation. Now, do you have any questions?


《Sleep speech睡眠演讲.doc》
