新时期城市生态品质建设规划的探索实践 - 以武汉市为例

发布时间:2019-10-22 13:39:36   来源:文档文库   
69Planning ·Garden 规划·园林 哈思杰 | Ha Sijie韩 敏 | Han Min 章 迟 | Zhang Chi 新时期城市生态品质建设规划的探索实践——以武汉市为例Exploration and Practice of Urban Ecological QualityPlanning in the New Period:Taking WuHan as an Example 中图分类号 TU984 文献标识码 B 文章编号 1003-739X (2018)07-0069-04 收稿日期 2017-09-07摘 要 为深入贯彻习近平总书记系列重要讲话精神,牢固树立创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享的发展理念,武汉市市政府组织推进了“拥抱绿树青山行动规划”工作,其中涵盖了未来五年拟开展的各项城市生态建设,旨在实现兴绿惠民、均绿便民,让武汉“好山好水好风光融入城市”。相较以往类似工作,本次行动规划的创新一是在于规划范围、规划内容的扩展、延伸,不再局限于城市建设区,而是更多的涉及到了城市外围的山体、水体、绿道等;二是从制定建设目标开始便将市民的体验感受以及城市空间结构等纳入目标考量,相较以往简单量化标准更加科学;三是通过加强统筹、协调以及考核,加强了相关职能部门的联动性,确保了项目建设的实施性。本次行动规划从实施性规划角度出发,针对当前治理城市的方法、途径、内容作了积极、有益的探索。关键词 生态品质 持续发展 规划策略 行动规划Abstract In order to further implement the general secretary of Xi Jinping series of important speech spirit, firmly establish the development concept of innovation, coordination, green, opening and sharing, Wuhan government organized and promoted the work of "Hugging Mountain Greenery Action Plan", fitting into the strategy of updating economic, urban, livelihood, highlighting the city features and building a beautiful Wuhan. The plan covers over all the city ecological construction that expected in the following five years, with the target of offering a better green environments for citizens, making Wuhan a good city with good mountains and waters landscape. Compared with the previous similar work, the innovation of this action plan is as follows. Firstly, expand the planning scope and content. Planning content was no longer limited to the urban green space, but more involved in the outlying mountain, water, greenway. Secondly, from the beginning of establishing the construction goal, consider the feelings and experience of citizens to the target of urban spatial structure into account, which will be more scientific comparing to the simple and quantitative standard in the past. Thirdly, strengthen the initiative of some functional departments to make overall arrangement, coordination, and evaluation, as so to ensure the implementation of the project construction. The plan based on the implementation of the planning, specific to the methods of current city governance, made a positive and beneficial study.Keywords Ecological quality, Sustainable development, Planning strategy, Action planning在快速城市化所引发的环境问题日益突出的背景下,城市的人口资源与环境矛盾冲突、“大城市病”、城市特色不鲜明等问题正不断凸显。武汉作为国家中心城市,全面创新改革试验区试点城市等多重国家战略叠加于一身的重要支点城市,一方面担负了新常态下引领社会经济发展方向的重要责任;另一方面也肩负了城市转型发展背景下如何治理“城市病”,如何走可持续发展道路的示范创新重任。按照中央城市工作会议等提出的相关精神与要求,武汉市通过积极推进“拥抱绿水青山行动规划”(以下简称“行动规划”),开展一系列生态方面的规划探索与实践,在彰显城市生态特色,强化生态底线与保护建设方面取得了一定成效。本文就武汉规划实践好的做法经验进行归纳提炼,并就所遇到的主要矛盾,从规划编制、组织模式、建设管理等方面提出思考与建议,希望能对武汉自身及其他相关城市今后的生态建设提供有意义的借鉴。1 武汉城市特点和生态建设基本情况1.1 武汉近30年生态绿化建设简概自20世纪90年代初由建设部督导实施在全国范围开展创建“国家园林城市”活动,武汉生态绿化建设进入了新时期。1997年武汉市提出初


《新时期城市生态品质建设规划的探索实践 - 以武汉市为例.doc》
