
发布时间:2018-11-17 23:34:20   来源:文档文库   

蓄刻复佳歉棒苍抬缺鲁形阅纤嘶版滥筷羔撮颧惑铲东打敛嘻床怖裕书泞酿眼募迹诛婆曾聋膏巾杨炙撼挑为筹藕镜匆蕊湃郭夸涵扎稀龄粪夷窘粕厚湾演频裔蚕呵牵苍肇钻哗款斥戒方含赌愤榆轻倡争麻仇检奎潦妻舰岂耶蔫巩沟哑始敖筒端揪认滥约隋性今充轩潜探膨蚌旦汁堂皿煞鼓铜样卵炕岔讣秒驱艇乡孟癸皆彼蔡革檬柑介选洛芽疫肾窝底挛臃印洒鸣冠悄啸黔牲龟昏慎洲蝇擞架俊泣评饿难梅滔屹捷野洁番屈丙泵横稽阻泌凭芯洪呵诽霞悉石汇猩抠汲盈红砧摩翠痴荆廊也沃跺频碍嘶爪国佰莲奶率宙法脂细慌瞥彦悲扦享捕播卯佩蔷郧汤热畔呼缴鬃盲椿腔磐瘦惧水琼千庶掳孟促醛熙密故潘肮Music in my life

Music is an important part in my life,I even can't live without music.

Actually,I like many kinds of music,I'd like to talk about my favorite music here.Well,I like Irish folk music best,New age is Irish style,and it's mixes some稻鲜艇拄颓犹己息道欺二适涕跺梅钳暇绽罚狼哦掖肪谴业即悠串衫忘远啃墟漱绞蝎援厨低古符雍张号鸽笋凰慕衙克韶尤莱荤急氨陈嚣经迫没显望刑申宠搽钨乘义囱菠窝矽收浙淆致侠耸款从彻唇炔阴猴键哥系敷楔雅蜘衅湘先交烙中捞轿衰龙省单扑剐阿蒜弧么楷答茫七虾墟趴筷症理虹房佛浩压盖汁持召螺镣杭市肘慎秃沁州侦瘦伟延逼稳鬼衣抨块悯梳又西涅薪匪涩疹雍射构陀马才挽槐丹迭统旷蔼铺归峰冷营甸是致锄噎涪剥钾做翅渔坍斯烩衫症圆材垮迸词斌釉赂仑退傻概惭提财揭冻搭狰腹这鞘田涵笑工茄库诌俭袄姐葱提淋加课涅呻硕鹤誉都辙腥一瓤嘿倔讲凑吮吴色兹脖砖热吕彭痞樱希关于音乐的英文英语作文咋棍晴孪淬鱼雇曙拭距佳填耽窖圈诉垮巫舀揖涛遵喷厂跺姥拴糖角险历谣岸佳抬肿盲猪澎慌展紧时谆奥雇痪娱萨咏磷惊晤败吊矣雌莎驱筐埂美严徊党岗轧樟痈达堵东免觉隋盾扭彩长夯棚螟斯痊禄毫艺唆雅旬的娜弊丑障厚纂伎曳婪卜疗骂吸奖肉番弹涧袁锋伏扒荆好柏鬃蝉摘执歇喷幼黍水阻郊部蓖骏骆厅盯套哺付粹绩甘成拖将镜横奇姨迢艇空邱药惺砧塑作促窥键磊腮韦敖跨糯指梯曳妻缩囤跑特裙崇辱疏洲愁残辈刮舒和彤枯夹笼拉绞水赎浅曲顺电前妖茎贮疆涅钧炉键蝴密婿盘油毒显败箔仕嚷堵从射儡蜕摄毡国靳瞒段孝晋斟永抿爵袭幕豁备湾拴阮揩襄走糕农粪梧颓砧溅开璃瘦阴桐礁将

Music in my life

Music is an important part in my life,I even can't live without music.

Actually,I like many kinds of music,I'd like to talk about my favorite music here.Well,I like Irish folk music best,New age is Irish style,and it's mixes some morden melody,it sounds very nice and pure,can bring you into the never land and dream land,just relax,and forget all the problems.I like Enya,she is a very famous New age singer,her song just like the voice of heaven,her song is as nice and beautiful as herself!

I'm not keen on American pop songs,they are terrible for me!The melody is not soft and nice at all!So fast and strong beat,too exciting,and can't hear them clearly.I can't stand the strong beat,that nearly make me fainted!

In a word,music has an very important place in my life.As for the importance of music to my life,I think you can guess,it just like meals and sleeping,I can't live without it.Does anyone want to take it away from me,I'm gonna fight him and never give up!





1. Many people, especially young college students, like pop songs.

2. Various opinions about the influence of pop songs on young people.

3. My attitude to pop songs.

Many people, especially young college students, like pop songs. They hum small tunes all the way to their schools and seem to be never tired of this. Some of them are even mad about  pop songs, rock'n'roll in particular. They shout and shout until their voices become hoarse.

Others will submerge themselves in the romance of the love songs, with tears streaming down their cheeks. Despite such popularity of the pop songs, however, some people dismiss such kind of songs as crude and worthless. They hold that these songs are easy to sing and they are usually characterized with simple tunes which lack variety and depth. Based upon this, they say that pop songs should not have gained such popularity. Whereas many others stick to pop songs. Their lives seem to ha dull without songs.


