经济学人the economist 生单词讲解-

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Nor will home life necessarily be easy. 家庭生活也不一定轻松。

Spouses and children have often become used to coping without a parent who has worked long hours.配偶和孩子们常常习惯于在没有长时间工作的父母的情况下处理事情。

They have built their own networks of friends and activities. 他们建立了自己的朋友圈和活动网络。

They may find it hard to adjust to the presence of a bored pensioner knocking about the house.他们可能会发现很难适应一个无聊的退休老人在家里四处走动。

On top of that, it may have been tricky for those in positions of authority to develop close friendships themselves, particularly at work.

The book presents a series of case studies of people who have been through this kind of upheaval, some a lot more successfully than others.换挡》对经历过退休剧变的人们进行了一系列的案例研究,其中有些研究对象要比其他人成功得多。

There is, inevitably perhaps, a bit of psychobabble. 可能不可避免地会有一些心理学呓语。

But readers who tolerate talk of "transition mindsets" and "potential desired competences" will discover that

the individual stories are instructive and the questions posed by the authors are important.书中的个人故事发人深省,作者提出的问题也至关重要。

Those near retirement must work out who they have been, who they are now and who they would like to become.

The answers will vary from person to person; there is "no one size fit sall" solution. 答案因人而异;并没有万能的解决方案。

Bartleby's father was never happier than when, after retiring from his job as a headmaster, he was able to spend his time reading, gardening and listening to

Other people would be bored to tears by such a life. 其他人可能会对这样的生活厌烦透顶。

The authors suggest+that sb.(shoulddo sth. that people be willing to experiment, to try new activities, develop new skills and talk to others who have been through the same process.

Another approach is to keep a journal and make a list of things that you like to do, or have also wished to do.

In addition, those approaching retirement should consider the type of role they like to play.此外,那些即将退休的人应该考虑他们喜欢扮演的角色类型。

Do they enjoy working with others or working alone? 他们是喜欢和别人一起工作还是自己一个人工作?

Do they draw satisfaction mainly from developing ideas or from coordinating teams? 他们主要是从发展想法中获得满足感还是通过团队合作?

Since self-awareness is a difficult skill, people should talk to a few trusted contacts to discover how they are perceived by the wider world. 自知是一项困难的技能,所以人们应该与一些值得信赖的联系人交谈,从而发现更广阔的外界是如何看待他们的。

They may find the answers are surprising. 他们可能会发现答案令人惊讶。

This is a critical issue.这是一个关键问题。

Think of all the time people spend deciding which university they would like to attend, which course they would like to study and which career they would wish to follow.

Deciding on their post-career lifestyle is just as important.决定他们退休后的生活方式同样重要。

hey may have decades left to enjoy.

Pensioner noun [ C ] mainly UK
UK /ˈpen.ʃən.ər/ US /ˈpen.ʃən.ɚ/ (UK also old age pensioner
a person who receives a pension, especially the government pension given to old people
Students and pensioners are entitled to a discount. 学生和退休人员可享受折扣。

knock around UK /nɒk/ US /nɑːk/
informal (UK also knock about (RELAX
to spend time relaxing and doing very little 闲呆着,悠闲地打发时间
I spent the weekend just knocking around the house. 我周末就在家里闲呆着。

to spend a lot of time with someone (和某人)长时间在一起
I used to knock around with him at school. 我过去在学校里常和他在一起。

on top of sth

in addition to something, especially something unpleasant 除(尤指令人不快之事)之外(还)
We missed our flight, and on top of that we had to wait seven hours for the next one. 我们没赶上飞机,而且下一班还得再等七个小时。

UK /ˈtrɪk.i/ US /ˈtrɪk.i/ tricky adjective (DIFFICULT
If a piece of work or problem is tricky, it is difficult to deal with and needs careful
attention or skill. 难办的;难对付的
It's tricky to learn to ride a skateboard, but you never forget how. 学习滑板挺难的,但是一旦学会就不会忘记。
I'm in a tricky situation - whatever I do I'll offend someone. 我的处境真有点儿难办——我无论怎么做都会得罪人。

likely to deceive people
欺骗性的;狡猾的;诡计多端的 He's a tricky one.
We need to get the support of someone in authority (= an important or high-ranking person.

case studynoun [ C ]
UK /ˈkeɪs ˌstʌd.i/ US /ˈkeɪs ˌstʌd.i/
a detailed account giving information about the development of a person, group, or thing, especially in order to show general principles (尤指为说明一般原则而作的)个案研究
This is an interesting psychiatric case study of a child with extreme behavioural difficulties.

upheavalnoun [ C or U ]
UK /ʌpˈhiː.vəl/ US /ʌpˈhiː.vəl/
a great change, especially causing or involving much difficulty, activity, or trouble 激变;动荡;剧变
Yesterday's coup brought further upheaval to a country already struggling with famine.
I'm not sure it's worth the upheaval of moving to gain just a little more space. 我怀疑费这么大力气搬家就为了得到多一点空间是不是值得。

noun [ U ] informal disapproving
UK /ˈsaɪ.kəʊˌbæb.əl/ US /ˈsaɪ.koʊˌbæb.əl/
language using a lot of words and expressions taken from psychology (= the study of
the human mind

adjective approving
UK /ɪnˈstrʌk.tɪv/ US /ɪnˈstrʌk.tɪv/ giving useful or interesting information 有启发性的;有教育意义的

Pose verb
UK /pəʊz/ US /poʊz/ pose verb (CAUSE [ T ]
to cause something, especially a problem or difficulty 造成,引起(尤指问题或困难)
Nuclear weapons pose a threat to everyone. 核武器对所有的人都构成了威胁。
The mountain terrain poses particular problems for civil engineers. 这种高山地势给土木工程师带来了特殊问题。
one-size-fits-all adjective
UK /ˌwʌn.saɪz.fɪtsˈɔːl/ US /ˌwʌn.saɪz.fɪtsˈɑːl/ mainly US
A one-size-fits-all piece of clothing is designed to fit a person of any size. (衣服)均码的,大小皆宜的

(intended to be suitable for everyone or every purpose (意图)各方面都顾及的;通用的 a one-size-fits-all approach to education 一刀切的教育方法

Headmaster noun [ C ] mainly UK
UK /ˌhedˈmɑː.stər/ US /ˈhedˌmæs.tɚ/ a male headteacher 男校长

Perceive verb [ T ]
UK /pəˈsiːv/ US /pɚ-/ perceive verb [T] (BELIEVE

to come to an opinion about something, or have a belief about something 认为;看待;视为
How do the French perceive the British? 法国人是如何看待英国人的?
Women's magazines are often perceived to be superficial. 女性杂志通常被认为是肤浅的。

post- prefix
UK /pəʊst-/ US /poʊst-/ after or later than Postgraduate 研究生 Postoperative 手术后的 He took a post-lunch nap. 他午饭后小睡了一会儿。

contact noun (PERSON
a person, especially someone in a high position, who can give you useful information or introductions that will help you at work or socially (尤指身居高位,能提供有用信息或引见的)熟人,(社会)关系
I don't really know how she got the job, but I think her mother has contacts. 我不知道她到底怎么得到这份工作的,不过我想她母亲有些门路。
He gave me the name of one of his contacts in a design firm, who offered me a job. 他给了我一个他在一家设计公司熟人的名字,我在那里得到了工作。 We're building up (= increasing the number of our contacts in the business. 我们在业内逐渐建立起自己的关系网。

Necessarily adverb
UK /ˈnes.ə.ser.ɪl.i/ US /ˈnes.ə.ser.ɪl.i/
used in negatives to mean "in every case" or "therefore" (用于否定句)不可避免地,必然地
The fact that something is cheap doesn't necessarily mean it's of low quality.

You can love someone without necessarily wanting to marry them. 你可能爱一个人,但未必愿意和其结婚。 That's not necessarily true. 那不一定是事实。

Spouse noun [ C ] LAW formal or specialized
UK /spaʊs/ US /spaʊs/ a person's husband or wife 配偶
In 60 percent of the households surveyed both spouses went out to work. 60%的被调查家庭中,夫妻双方都外出工作。

Competence noun [ C or U ]
UK /ˈkɒm.pɪ.təns/ US /ˈkɑːm.pə.təns/ (also competency
the ability to do something well 能力;才干;水平
Her competence as a teacher is unquestionable. 她的执教能力无可置疑。
He reached a reasonable level of competence in his English. 他的英语能力已达到了一定水平。


《经济学人the economist 生单词讲解-.doc》
