
发布时间:2013-04-01 21:13:17   来源:文档文库   





1. 后羿:传说中的英雄,善射,射九日,天下安。

2. 猰貐:传说中的食人怪兽。

3. 凿齿:长有象凿子一样的长牙,用凿齿掠食人类,

4. 九婴:水火之怪。

5. 大风:是一种凶猛的大鸟,它一飞过总有大风伴随,能毁坏住房。

6. 封豨:大豕。传说状如龙首,或谓似狸,行走极快能吃人,叫声似婴儿啼哭。

7. 修蛇:长蛇。

8. 畴华:南方水泽名。

9. 凶水:北方水名。

10. 青丘:东方水泽名。

11. 洞庭:南方水泽名,及洞庭湖。

12. 桑林:在今河南荥阳市汜水镇东汤王庙沟一带。


During Yao’s domination in ancient times, there was a time when ten suns parched the crops and plants on earth at the same time. As a result, people suffered to starve for shortage of food. There appeared many monsters that harmed the lives of the people such as Yayu and Zaochi, man-eater ogres, Jiuying, the monster of water and fire, Dafeng, a savage roc, a devastator of houses and buildings, Fengxi, a hog monster and Xiushe, a snake monster. Yao, who was said to be a leader in ancient times, ordered Shun to help the folks who were in extreme misery. Shun executed Zaochi in the suburb of Zhuhua Lake in the south, killed Jiuying in the Xiongshui Lake in the north, seized Dafeng in the marsh of Qingqiu lake and fetched down nine suns in the sky, slaughtered monster Yayu on earth and chopped off Xiushe, the snake monster in Dongting Lake and captured Fengxi in Sanglin. Shun is welcomed by all people. Therefore, people enthroned Yao as their emperor.


1. parch: v.烘;烤干;炙烤 例句:The fierce sun parched the bare earth.

2. ogre: n.食人魔鬼;怪物 例句:The first thing you notice about Shrek the Ogre is that he is ugly.

3. savage: adj.野性的;凶猛的;粗鲁的;荒野的;原始的。比较符合远古时期的大鸟的特征。

4. roc: a gigantic bird of eastern legend. 巨鸟,大鹏。

5. 上射十日:事实上射下九个太阳。故译为fetched down nine suns in the sky.

6. 断修蛇于洞庭: 因为修蛇是很长的一个蛇精,此处“断”译为 chop off.

7. 万民皆喜:即是因为舜的功绩,百姓都很爱戴他,所以此处译为Shun is welcomed by all people

8. enthrone: vt.  ... 为王; 使登基; 推崇 例句:The queen was enthroned in an ancient abbey.


