
发布时间:2017-01-11 17:32:09   来源:文档文库   










F1 会计师与企业 Accountant in Business

General points


ACCA annually reviews its qualification so that they fully meet the needs of stakeholders including employers,

students, regulatory and advisory bodies and learning providers.

There are no syllabus changes effective from September 2016 and the next update will be September 2017.

Detailed description of changes:

Chapter 7

P159: expanded reading re XED is new

Chapter 13

P343: New expanded reading re IR&"capital"

P343: New expanded reading re IIRC

Chapter 17

P474: New expanded reading re Bribery and corruption

F2 管理会计 Management Accounting


Detailed description of changes:

Chapter 4

1.Cost Card从本章最后一个知识点提前至第二个;

2.增加Cost Code编写;

Chapter 12

由原标题Forecasting Techniques改成Statistical Techniques,内容无变化

Chapter 15

对于Variance变化原因的描写均在P496,9. courses of variance

F3 财务会计 Financial Accounting


D. Recording Transactions and Events:

3. Inventory:

(g).Calculate the value of closing inventory using FIFO (first in, first out) and AVCO (average cost) – both periodic weighted average and continuous weighted average.


最新的大纲特别写出AVCO的两种类型,也是要引起各位同学的重视;书中的例题里面,原本就有这两种类型的具体解题方法,在此,建议同学们在学习的过程中,对于这两种方法的例题加深理解,对这两种AVCO 类型给以同样的重视。

F. Preparing Basic Financial Statements:

1. Statement of Financial Position:

(d) Prepare statement of financial position or extracts as applicable from given information using accounting treatment as stipulated within sections D, E and examinable documents.

F. Preparing Basic Financial Statements:

2. Statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income or extracts as applicable from given information using accounting treatments as stipulated within sections D, E and examinable documents.


最新的大纲特别写出在编制一家公司的资产负债表和损益表时,需要使用D部分(Recording Transactions and Events)和 E部分(Preparing a Trail Balance)所学过的知识点。建议同学们既要掌握每个基本知识点,又要结合题目已知条件,灵活和综合地使用各个基本知识点编写资产负债表和损益表。

F5业绩管理 Performance Management







OT case:本题型为新增题型,考察形式为建立在案例基础之上的单项选择题,考察内容分为计算和文字题。从specimen exam paper来看,对于不太擅长文字题论述的中国学生来说,本题型考察难度介于单项选择及案例分析题。




F6 税务Taxation


F7 财务报告 Financial Reporting

General points

New exam format:

1. Section A will be 15 MCQ of 2 marks each, 30 marks in total

2. Section B will be a new section of three OT case questions . Each case in this section will be a single scenario against which there will be five 2-mark objective test questions, 30 marks in total

3. Section C will continue to be two 20-mark long questions, 40 marks in total

Changes to the syllabus :

No major change to F7 contents except for two new chapters being added in

Detailed description of changes:

Chapter 4

No change to contents, but the new outline emphasizes the caculation of an impairment loss

Chapter 8

IAS 41 Agriculture, the definition of "bearer plants" has been clarified

Chapter 10

New part on disclosure of financial instruments has been added

Chapter 11

Foreign currency: A NEW CHAPTER for F7

Chapter 12

Revenue: previously was chapter 11 but no change to contents

Chapter 15

Previously was chapter 12 but no change to contents; the new outline clarifies the disclosure of contingent assets and contingent liabilities is examinable

Chapter 17

1.The new part on how to deal with the contingent liabilities of the subsidiary in the
consolidated financial statement.
2.Analysis of a company within a group has been added

Chapter 18

The new part on analysis of a company within a group has been added

Chapter 20

Group disposal: A NEW CHAPTER for F7

Chapter 21

The learning outcomes have been amended to clarify that the interpretation question

can be set within the context of groups using consolidated financial statement

F8 审计与认证业务 Audit and Assurance

General points

1.Exam format 有大的改变,并增加机考;

2.增加quality control 相关内容;

3.ISA 701对audit report 内容做了重大改变

4. Assertion not listed under heading -- Presentation and Classification anymore

Detailed description of changes:

Chapter 1

Assurance meanings 加一解释

Chapter 2

Laws, standards 顺序换

Chapter 3

表格形式展示 threat and safeguards

Chapter 5

quality control added

Chapter 6

assertions related to presentation and disclosure deleted

Chapter 7

limitation of internal controls has some change

Chapter 10

Audit report format and content changed a lot

P3商务分析 Business Analysis

General points

1.加入了使用Big Data实施战略的内容;

2.例子中加入了Shared Services这个特殊架构

3. 加入了Solving problems in purchased software

4. 加入E-business hardware

5. 加入The Strategic role of budgeting, standard costing and variances段

Detailed description of changes:

Chapter 5

加入使用Big Data实施战略的内容

Chapter 8

例子中加入了Shared Services这个特殊架构

Chapter 9

加入了Solving problems in purchased software

Chapter 10

加入E-business hardware

Chapter 14

加入The Strategic role of budgeting, standard costing and variances段



