
发布时间:2020-03-11 11:38:36   来源:文档文库   









  专家介绍,儿童医院每年都会收到因为坠床受伤的小孩,而这些坠床的小孩中,太多数是年龄较小的,他们对危险毫无意识,他们坠床很大的原因就是因为家 长看护不当。“许多家长都觉得床不高,摔下去也没什么大碍。”专家表示,如果小孩头部着地、地面是很硬的石材或瓷砖,即使不是很高,也可能会造成严重的后 果。孩子坠床之后,家长应该第一时间检查孩子有无异常反应,如果出现不哭、无意识、痉挛、呕吐、大量出血 、手脚不能动等情况,应该立刻送往正规医院急救。



  1. 蹲下身子,一只手托在宝宝的颈后,一只手托在臀下,将宝宝平放在床上,注意保护好宝宝的颈椎和头部。

  2. 因为疼痛和恐惧,坠床后的宝宝一般会大哭,此时很需要妈妈的安抚,听到妈妈的声音他心里会感到踏实。

  3. 检查宝宝的神志。如果宝宝能哭,说明问题不大。如果宝宝神志不清,喊他的名字没有任反应,或出现呕吐,说明有可能存在颅脑损伤,立即打120叫急救。

  4. 检查宝宝的关节。如果宝宝的胳膊、腿、手脚活动自如,说明这些部位没有骨折。如果宝宝某段肢体出现瘀、肿、变形,一动就哭,那就可能发生了骨折。这时,不要碰他的骨折部位,平托着他赶紧去医院。

  5. 检查皮肤。如果有外伤,看是否需要进行包扎止血,随后去医院就诊。大多数情况下宝宝坠床只会在皮肤上留下青紫痕迹,一般为皮下出血,单纯性的淤斑3天左右即可自行吸收。

  6. 要注意观察宝宝,如果他吃、喝、玩、睡没有异常,就可以放心了。



  宝宝从床上掉下后,必须先确认其是否骨折。如果宝宝跌落后剧烈哭闹或失去意识,且手脚不能活动,需要怀疑是颈椎受到伤害或脑震荡及颅内出血。无论是 骨折还是颈椎受伤,都应该立刻将受伤部位固定,不要移动。如果家人不会固定受伤部位,必须等急救人员来操作,以免因为处理不当而造成更严重的伤害。


  宝宝掉下床后如果发生流血的状况,可先进行止血处理,最简单有效的就是直接加压止血法。可拿一块干净的纱布放在伤口上直接加压,直到出血停止。如果 宝宝流鼻血,可以用手压住其鼻子上方( 鼻根的地方) 以帮助止血,但不要把宝宝的头仰起,以免血液返流到胃部引起刺激性呕吐。





  其次,可以给宝宝购买专门的婴儿床,婴儿床的护栏可以对睡觉的宝宝起到预防坠床的作用。但是,护栏不能保证100% 安全,可以在床的四周设上围栏,当宝宝睡觉或玩耍时,拉上床栏。床栏的插销安装在宝宝够不着的地方,避免宝宝在玩耍时无意将插销打开而坠床。

  另外,需要注意的是,床要稳当牢固,高度最好小于50 厘米,这样即使掉下来,宝宝也不致摔得太重。家长还可以在床边的地面上铺些具有缓冲作用的物品,如海绵垫、棉垫、厚毛毯等,即便宝宝坠床了,也不会出现严重损伤。



Baby safety consciousness weak, even have no sense of security, must hold crawl again mothers care for their children, children www.zshtech.com are likely to fall down from the bed, light person fracture, the person that weigh even fell out of the water on the brain, so if the baby fall of bed, the parents how to handle?

Case study:

Ms zhang in order to take good care of son, my son has been born and her big bed, she deliberately put the son sleep the other side of the pad to prevent the son a pillow bed. November 28 evening, ms zhang to get www.baigoo.net up to the toilet for a moment, I heard the son crying, "I ran into the bedroom and found his son fell to the ground."

"I am too careless about the inspection at that time thought that children have no matter." Ms zhang the son to go to bed later, check the son body, feel no matter, to sleep with his son. After a while began to chenchen milk, "I thought the child is to eat many."

Let ms zhang didn't expect that the next day, chenchen and spit milk three times in a row, and sleepy all the time, and less at ordinary times the lively on making baby ah.

More see more think is wrong, ms zhang will be immediately taken to a hospital checking chenchen. Doctors through the inspection found that the head fell to chenchen, CT showed subarachnoid hemorrhage, the left posterior fossa fracture, acute obstructive hydrocephalus and occipital scalp hematoma treated income at children's hospital neurosurgery chenchen.

Parents' misunderstanding, improper care, is the main reason

Expert introduction, children's hospital received each year because of falling injured children bed, and the drop of the bed kid, too are mostly young, they have no consciousness, for dangerous because they fall is a big bed long improper care. "A lot of parents think the bed is not high, fall also no big deal." Experts said that if the child's head on the ground, the ground is very hard stone or ceramic tile, even if not very high, also may cause serious consequence. After the children fall bed, the parents should immediately check whether there is any abnormal reaction on children, if there is a cry, unconscious, cramps, vomiting, massive hemorrhage, hands and feet can't move, and so on and so forth, should be immediately to normal hospital first aid.

So when the baby fall after bed, mom how? Now we will take you to learn baby bed self-help method, can let you finish first aid, in the most efficient time to baby's bed to minimize the damage.

Drop the general processing after the bed baby happens

1. Down, with one hand in the baby's neck, one hand under the buttocks, the baby will be flat on the bed, pay attention to protect the baby's head and cervical vertebrae.

2. Because the pain and fear, after the fall of bed baby would cry, mother is required at this time of calm, hear her voice in his heart will be steadfast.

3. Check the baby's mind. If the baby can cry, all is not big. If the baby dottiness, calling his name without any reaction, or vomiting, craniocerebral injury possible, immediately call 120 emergency call.

4. Check the baby of the joints. If the baby's arms, legs, hands and feet move freely, these parts without fracture. If the baby sections of limbs and blood stasis, swelling, deformation, movement can cry, that's possible fractures. At this moment, don't touch his injury, pinto him hurriedly to the hospital.

5. Check the skin. If there is injury, look to whether need to bandage hemostasis, then go to the hospital. In most cases the baby fall bed will only left blue mark on the skin, usually for subcutaneous bleeding, the black-and-blue marks simple 3 days or so can be absorbed on its own.

6. Want to watch the baby, if he eat, drink, play, sleep without exception, you can rest assured.

The baby fall when the emergency treatment

Fixed the wound

After the baby fall out of bed, must first confirm whether the fracture. If the intense crying baby fall behind or lose consciousness, and hands can't activities, need to doubt is cervical vertebra injury or cerebral concussion and intracranial hemorrhage. Both in fracture and cervical spine injury, should immediately to fix injured area, do not move. If your family won't be fixed injured area, must wait for emergency personnel to operate, in order to avoid more serious damage due to improper handling.

Emergency stop bleeding

The baby fell out of bed in the event of bleeding after condition, can be processing, hemostasia first is the most simple and effective direct direct pressure method. Can take pressure directly on a clean piece of cloth on the wound, until the bleeding stops. If the baby nosebleeds, can use hand pressure above the nose (nose) to help stop the bleeding, but don't put the baby's head lifted, lest cause irritation vomiting blood reflux to the stomach.

Immediately to a hospital

If determine the baby's head on the ground, especially the back of the head first, mom needs special attention. Found the baby crying loudly, sleep not to wake, vomiting, very excited, limb muscle tension, trismus, eye strabismus, any performance, must be immediately taken to a hospital, to see whether there is a traumatic brain injury.

To prevent the baby drop bed should keep in mind

First of all, the most important thing is that parents have to straighten up, cannot careless, more attention, more alert, don't put fluky psychology.

Second, can purchase special for baby crib, baby bed guardrail can to prevent falling sleep baby bed. Guardrail can guarantee 100% safety, however, can be set on the fence around the perimeter of the bed, when the baby sleep or play, go to bar. Bed bar bolt installation where the baby's reach, to avoid the baby in has no intention of playing open the latch and drop of bed.

In addition, it is important to note that the bed should be guided and firm, best less than 50 cm high, so even if fall, also does not fall off the baby is too heavy. Parents can also in the bed with buffer effect is on the ground of some items, such as cushions, pads, thick blankets, even if the baby bed, also won't appear serious damage.

Finally, and most important, parents want to seriously do a good job in monitoring the baby on the bed while playing on my mother's sight, if mother has something to temporarily leave, best to remove the baby to play on the ground. Never have fluky psychology, don't think you leave a little while baby not surprisingly. Often this is accident, mum please bear in mind.

Baby happen fall of bed must be carefully care, don't because of the delay of adults to the negligence of the treatment.


