[步步高]2017高考英语一轮复习 Unit 5 Travelling abroad习题 新人教版选修7

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Unit 5 Travelling abroad 


1My friend was not used______by airso he felt unwell.

Ato traveling        Bto travel

Ctraveling Dtravel

解析 be used to doing 习惯于做某事。句意我朋友不习惯乘飞机旅行因此感觉不舒服。

答案 A

2She is shy.She is not used to______in front of others.

Apraise Bpraising

Cbeing praised Dbe praised

解析 考查be used to doing “习惯于做某事。句意:她很腼腆,不习惯当着别人的面受表扬。主语shepraise之间是被动关系,因此C项正确。

答案 C

3The doctor recommended that you ______ swim after eating a large meal.

Awouldn’t          Bcouldn’t

Cneedn’t Dshouldn’t

解析 句意:医生建议说在吃过饱饭后不要游泳。recommend建议讲,后面的宾语从句用虚拟语气,谓语动词为“should(not)+动词原形

答案 D

4It is said that in Australia there is more land than the government knows______.

Ait what to do with Bwhat to do it with

Cwhat to do with it Dto do what with it

解析 what to do it with连接词+不定式结构作动词know的宾语。

答案 C

5I’ve worked with children beforeso I know what______in my new job.

Aexpected Bto expect

Cto be expecting Dexpects

解析 考查疑问词+不定式的用法,在句子中作宾语。

答案 B

6Could you______me a good hotel in Paris?

Arecommend Bsuggest

Cadvise Dsuppose

解析 句意:你可以给我介绍一家巴黎的好旅馆吗?advise的结构为advise sb.to do sth.或是advise doing,而suggestsuggest sth.to sb.但没有suggest sb.sth.这一结构,suppose与题意不符。

答案 A

7She is preparing______some vegetables and meat for the dinner.

Afor     B/

Cwith     Dto

解析 prepare sth.for“为……准备某物。句意:她在为晚饭准备蔬菜和肉。

答案 B

8Warm blooded animals live an active life even in freezing winterwhich helps them to ______ their normal body temperature.

Akeep up Bbuild up

Cbring up Dpick up

解析 keep up“保持,维持keep up one’s normal body temperature意为维持某人的正常体温build up“增强,发展,增加bring up“抚养,呕吐pick up“拾起,学会,振作起来。由题意可知,A项正确。

答案 A

9Chinese is______with/in idioms and proverbs.

Afull Babundant

Cplentiful Dvaried

解析 考查形容词的意思。abundant意思为丰富的;富裕的,常与in连用,如:The country is abundant in water resources.那个国家水资源丰富。varied意思为变化的;多变的;各种各样的;不相同的plentiful意思为丰富的,充足的;多的,不能与within连用。

答案 B

10While the government says there is a(n)______supply of housesprices of apartments have been going up these years.

Aparallel Babsent

Cabundant Dshort

解析 句意:虽然政府说房源充裕(abundant),但房价这些年却一直在上涨。

答案 C

11We______with thanks your timely aid when we were in trouble.

Aattributed Bknowledge

Cacknowledged Dpromised

解析 acknowledge“承认,答谢。句意:当我们遇到麻烦时,你都及时相助,对此我们深表感谢。

答案 C

12It is wise of you to______well­trained workers______untrained ones in the assembly line.

Asubstitutefor Bsubstitutewith

Creplaceby Dreplacewith

解析 substitute...for...……代替……”。句意:在组装线上你用经过专业训练的工人代替未受到训练的工人是明智的。

答案 A

13His long service with the company was______with a present.

Aadmitted Backnowledged

Cattributed Daccepted

解析 句意:他为那家公司长期的服务得到了认可,公司送礼物作为答谢。acknowledge“答谢,公认

答案 B

14Michelle asked a fellow teacher to______her so that she could attend the conference.

Aaccount for Bsubstitute for

Csend for Dmake up for

解析 B项意思为代替D弥补A解释,说明C派人去请

答案 B

15When I called on Mr.Smithhe was ______ in writing a lecture speech on A(H1N1)flu.

Aoccupied Boccupying

Ctaken up Dabsorbing

解析 考查occupy的用法。be occupied in doing...“正忙于做……”。句意:当我访问史密斯先生时,他正忙于写一篇关于甲型流感的讲座稿。由题意可知A项正确。

答案 A


The song that has meant the most to me since I was the age of fivewatching the movie Space Jamis called I Believe I Can Fly by RKelly.Every time I listen to the songit__1__me that as long as I believeI can be or do__2__I want in life even with a disability.

I didn’t know much of what the song__3__a long time ago but as I grew olderI still loved the song and started to listen to the__4__more and more.Every time I listen to itI think about all the obstacles I have__5__.

When I was littleI had to__6__a wheelchair because I have a disability.The doctors told my mother I had a slim__7__of ever walking but I was__8__to walk because I disliked that wheelchair.I knew that I had to believe in myself to__9__my goal to walk someday.

One day the doctor told my mother that he could make a(n)__10__that would help me walk.__11__when I was seven and one­halfI had my first surgery.

I__12__the cast because it was a half body castwith a bar in the middle of my legs.I was a very__13__kid so being in a bed for six weeksnot being able to moveI felt horrible.I knew after all the__14__and the crying it would be worth__15__it in the long run.

__16__at the age of eightI got my cast off.I felt free when I finally__17__all the therapy (治疗) and learned how to__18__.

The song__19__“I see me running through that open door. That’s what I felt like.Like the song says“There are miracles in life I must achievebut first I know it starts inside of meoh... I am one of the__20__in life.

【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲述了作者被一首叫“I Believe I Can Fly”的歌曲所鼓舞,勇敢地面对残疾,克服各种困难,最终能够行走的故事。

1. A.remembers    Breminds

Cregards   Dreflects

解析 作者每次听这首歌,它都提醒他只要他相信,他就能成为任何他想成为的人,做任何他想要做的事,remind sb.that使某人想起,提醒某人,符合语境。

答案 B

2A.whoever    Bwhomever

Cwhichever   Dwhatever

解析 whatever任何……的事物,什么……都,符合文意。

答案 D

3A.meant   Bexpected

Csuggested    Dprovided

解析 很久之前作者对这首歌是什么意思知道得不多。mean“意思是,本意是,符合语境。

答案 A

4A.voices   Bmeanings

Cwords    Drhythms

解析 结合上下文可知,此处为随着年龄的增长,作者开始越来越多地听歌词,word在此处意为歌词,符合语境。

答案 C

5A.suffered   Bexperienced

Cencouraged    Dovercome

解析 从下文内容可知,作者曾克服了很多障碍,结合选项可知,应用overcome,表示克服

答案 D

6A.apply   Buse

Cseat    Doffer

解析 因为残疾,作者不得不使用轮椅,故用useseat后常接oneself

答案 B

7A.chance    Boccasion

Ccondition    Dadvantage

解析 大夫告诉作者的妈妈,作者能走路的希望很渺茫。slim修饰chance,指机会渺茫,可能性很小

答案 A

8A.encouraged    Bamazed

Cdetermined    Dorganized

解析 从空前的but和空后的because引导的原因状语从句的内容可以看出,此处是转折关系,因为不喜欢轮椅,作者下定决心去走路,所以用determined

答案 C

9A.accomplish    Bfinish

Ccomplete    Dacquire

解析 作者知道必须相信自己总有一天会达到学会走路的目标。accomplish“完成,取得,符合语境。

答案 A

10A.operation    Bperformance

Cexperiment    Darrangement

解析 从空格后的“that would help me walk”可推知,医生要对作者做一个有助于他行走的手术,make an operation“做手术,符合语境。下文的surgery也是答案提示。

答案 A

11A.While    BBut

COr    DSo

解析 分析上下文可知,此处应为因果关系。

答案 D

12A.enjoyed    Bdisliked

Cexpected    Dvalued

解析 从下文的叙述可知,作者不喜欢这个固定腿的模型。

答案 B

13A.generous   Bkind

Cactive    Dpassive

解析 从下文的内容可知,作者觉得在床上六周不能动很可怕是因为他是一个活泼好动的孩子。

答案 C

14A.pain    Bjoy

Cguilt    Dembarrassment

解析 从上文作者所经历的一切可知,pain“痛苦,符合语境。

答案 A

15A.fixing   Bwearing

Cadjusting    Dmaking

解析 作者认为从长远来看,在经历这么多的痛苦和泪水之后,自己所做的这一切都是值得的。

答案 D

16A.Finally   BInstantly

CNormally    DRegularly

解析 从后面的“I got my cast off”可知,此处用finally,表示最后,终于的意思。

答案 A

17A.went on    Bwent down

Cwent out    Dwent through

解析 从上下文可知,此处表示作者终于完成了全部治疗。go through经历,完成,符合语境。go on继续;go down下沉,下降;go out送出。

答案 D

18A.live    Bwalk

Cthink    Dcommunicate

解析 从上文的“that would help me walk”可知,治疗结束后,应是学习行走。

答案 B

19A.speaks    Bsings

Csays    Danswers

解析 此处用says,表示歌中唱到的内容,下文的“Like the song says”也是答案提示。

答案 C

20A.successes   Bsurprises

Cmiracles    Dfailures

解析 结合语境可知,此处是作者说他自己是生命中的奇迹之一。

答案 C


There are probably no people on Earth who like to gossip (说闲话) as much as the British.If prying into other’s lives were an Olympic sportthen Team GB would surely take the gold medal.

And when the British can’t watch the lives of real people with gleethey have another source of entertainment to fall back on—the soap opera.British soap operas are very different to US TV dramas.For onethey are normally longer running.The two most popularCoronation Street and Eastendershave been running for 48 and 24 years respectively.Both are broadcast several times a weekso remarkably there have been more than 7,000 episodes of Coronation Street.

The most obvious difference is thatunlike US dramasthe British soap operas focus on the real world.There is little glamourthe stars are rarely richand they normally have boring jobs.Perhaps the appeal is that the lives of the characters often mirror the lives of the audience—but with some drama added.This means the viewer can relate to the characters and feel the pain and happiness they go through on the show.

Because these soap operas last for decadesthe cast is ever changing.The shows rarely focus on one or two main characters.Like the real worldpeople come and go all the time.Howeverthere are exceptions.Coronation Streets William Roach,76has played the role of Ken Barlow since the very first episode of the show in 1960and he is still a regular.

The choice of which soap opera you follow is often culturalPeople from the north of British tend to watch Coronation Street as it is set in Manchester.People from the south generally prefer East­enderswhich is set in the east of London.The show is generally considered grittier and is aimed at a younger audience.

【语篇解读】 本文主要介绍了什么是英国的肥皂剧、英国肥皂剧与美国电视剧的区别、英国肥皂剧的主要特点以及英国人喜欢看英国肥皂剧的主要原因。

1What does this passage mainly talk about?

ABritish people like to know things about other people.

BBritish team can get Olympic gold medals.

CWhat is British soap opera.

DPeople in the north like different things from the people in the south.

解析 主旨大意题。文章的第二段的第一句话是全文的中心句,全文都是围绕英国的“soap opera”展开叙述的,告诉读者什么是英国的肥皂剧。C项符合文章大意,故答案选C

答案 C

2What is the main difference between American dramas and British soap operas?

AAmerican dramas are longer.

BBritish soap operas are longer.

CAmerican dramas deal with dangerous things.

DBritish soap operas deal with real people.

解析 细节理解题。根据文章第三段的第一句话可知,英国肥皂剧与美国电视剧最大的不同在于英国肥皂剧关注的是现实世界。D项最符合文意,故答案选D

答案 D

3Why do British people like to watch such operas?

AThey can find their own life from the operas.

BThey can enjoy the operas in their free time.

CThey can watch the operas for many years.

DThey care about the fate of the characters in the operas.

解析  细节理解题。根据文章第三段的第三、四句话可知,英国人喜欢看这种肥皂剧主要是因为剧中角色的生活反映了他们自己的生活,他们可以从剧中感受到痛苦和幸福。A项最符合文意,故答案选A

答案 A

4The underlined word episodes in the 2nd paragraph probably means________.

Aplays   Bpages   

Cissues   Dparts

解析 词义猜测题。根据上下文可知,“episode”应该意为“(电视连续剧的)一集。故D项与画线词的意思最接近。

答案 D

5One characteristic of British operas is that________.

Athe characters play the same role for a long time

Bthe characters in the play often change

Cpeople don’t know what will happen next

Dthere is only one or two characters in them

解析 细节理解题。根据文章第四段的第一句话可知,因为英国的这些肥皂剧要持续好几十年,所以剧中的演员阵容(the cast)经常发生变化。可见,英国肥皂剧的一个特点就是剧中的角色经常改变。

答案 B


We senior school students do have some growing pains.Take some of my for examplethey often feel upset because the expectations from parentsendless homework and the pressure of exams.These affect their physical and mental well­being.ThereforeI think about—— it quite necessary to take measures to relieve the pains.Firstit is a good idea to heart­to­heart talks with our parents them we won’t disappoint them.Meanwhileit’s advisable to spare some time to take some exercise our devotion to the studies so that we will always feel and energetic.As long as we fully preparedwe are sure to achieve great success in academic performance.


《[步步高]2017高考英语一轮复习 Unit 5 Travelling abroad习题 新人教版选修7.doc》
