Unit 11 学术性口译

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Unit 11 Interpreting Academic Speech 学术性口译

11--1 The Linguistic System 语言系统
Vocabulary 1 mutually unintelligible 互不相通
unintelligible: 难解的,无法了解的 difficult to understand 2 in broad outlines 概貌
3 approach (a problem 处理问题 do with/cope with 4 be intimately familiar with 通晓 intimately: 密切地
5 a finite set of rules 数量有限的规则
6 an infinite set of sentences 数量无限的句子 7 acquire (a language 习得(一门语言) 8 an arbitrary fashion 任意的
9 linguistic knowledge/competence 语言知识/能力 10 creative aspect 创造能力 11 well-formed (sentence 符合规范的句子

典型句型1 In their broad outlines, in their basic principles, and even in the way they approach certain specific problems of communication, languages have a great deal in common. 从语言的概貌,基本原则,甚至对一些具体问题的交际方法上看,语言有着诸多的共同点。

典型句型2 Speakers use a finite set of rules to produce and understand an infinite set of sentences. These rules comprise the grammar of a language, which is learned when you acquire the language. 说话者可以运用一组数量有限的规则来表达与理解数量无限的句子。这些规则组成了语言的语法体系,你在习得语言的同时学到了语法。

典型句型3 A basic property of human language is its creative aspect----a speaker’s ability to combine the basic linguistic units to form an infinite set of “well-formed”, or grammatical, sentences, most of which are novel(新奇的,新颖的, never before produced or heard. 人类语言的基本属性是创造性,即说话者的语言创造能力,也就是说,说话者能够将语言的基本单位组合起来,生成无限多的符合语法规范的句子,而大部分生成的句子却是说话者自己从未说过或从未听到过的新句子。 练习
母语是一个人最早学会的一种语言,通常也是他所在民族的标准与或某一种方言。// Mother tongue is the first language that a person picks up and is usually the standard language or dialect of that particular ethnic group.// 成功不是偶然而是必然


国际母语日上,联合国教科文的一份报告指出,全球大约6700种语言中,约有半数正面临消失灭绝的危机。// According to a UNESCO(United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization report on the International Mother Tongue Day, about half of the 6,700 or so languages in the world are in danger of dying. //
在全球化的经济中,一台电脑就能处理世界各地的信息,弱势语言为强势语言所取代是必然的趋势。// In a globalized economy where a computer is all that is needed to access information all over the world, it is inevitable that weaker languages are replaced by the more dominant ones.//
不同的民族,语言和文化的存在使世界变得多姿多彩,少数民族的语言和各种方言也应该拥有一席之地。// The presence of different races, languages and cultures has made the world so much more interesting and the languages and dialects of minority races do have their own small roles to play.//
11--2 Two Kinds of Brain 人机之争
Vocabulary 1 mammalian 哺乳动物 adj. 哺乳动物的 2 neurons 神经元
3 in a vastly complicated network 极为复杂的网络 4 intricacy 复杂/错综 5 on-off device 离合装置
6 straightforward 正直的/坦率的/直截了当的 7 equivalent n.等价物/相等物 本文:同类 8 a point of concern 问题在于

典型句型1 The human brain weighs three pounds, but in that three pounds are ten billion neurons and a hundred billion smaller cells. These many billions of cells are interconnected in a vastly complicated network that we can’t begin to interpret as yet.

典型句型2 What’s more, the computer switch is just an on-off device, whereas the brain cell is itself possessed of a tremendously complex inner structure. 此外,电脑的开关只是一个离合装置,而大脑细胞却有着极其复杂的内部结构。

典型句型3 Of course, most mathematical problems can be solved quite mechanically by repeating certain straightforward processes over and over again. 成功不是偶然而是必然


《Unit 11 学术性口译.doc》

