11 Q and A

发布时间:2012-11-12 09:09:47   来源:文档文库   

Q and A

1. Your family

2. What do you want to study and why; and what do you know about it or them.

3. Academic preparation. How have you taken advantage of the educational opportunities you have had to prepare for college

4. Discuss any special academic experience, academic awards, honors, high grades, inventionor special programs that you have experienced in high school

5. What are your sports, hobbies, interests, clubs, and activities and why are they interesting to you

6. Tell us a story from your life, describing an experience that either demonstrates your character or helped to shape it; or tell us something that you have done on your own that makes you feel good about yourself.

7. Potential to contribute. Tell us about a talent, experience, contribution or personal quality you will bring to the University

8. How will it benefit you to attend college in the USA?

9. Describe an experience of cultural difference or insensitivity you have had or observed. What did you learn from it? You may define culture broadly. For example, it may include ethnicity, customs, values, and ideas, all of which contribute to experiences that students can share with others in college. As you reply to this question, reflect on what you have learned – about yourself and society – from an experience of cultural difference.

10. Describe your experience when you first visited in the US. (If applicable)

11. People find many ways to express their inner world. Some write novels; others paint, perform, or debate; still others design elegant solutions to complex mathematical problems. How do you express your inner world?


1) 回答每一个问题之前,将有可能的素材列出来,仔细选择,好素材是好文章关键;

2) 尽量选择写你对某项事情的具体看法,最忌无病呻吟;






《11 Q and A.doc》
