
发布时间:2013-12-23 16:13:50   来源:文档文库   



Nantong is known as a garden city with unique attraction. Hao River is original from her ancient moat. Hao just means a moat.


This dragon boat will take us to enjoy the scenery along with the river. On the river, you can see the museums around Hao River and be affected by thisOriental Venice---Nantong.

河分为东南、北河和西南三大景区, 是这座水城的翡翠项链。

Hao River is divided into three zones, south-east zone, north zone and south-west zone, which is just like an emerald necklace on this old Oriental city.


We are now in the south-east zone. Instead of using norm energy, here all the lights are adopted with solar energy, mellow and romantic.


Hao River was shaped by the history of this city.


Nearly 1500 years ago, Nantong was just a sand bar in Yangtz River. As the time went by, giant mud and sand was deposited and aggraded. Stage by stage, the sandbar was linked to mainland and a new land was come into being-----That is Nantong.


Currently, the perimeter of Hao River is 10 kilometers. The width most is 215m and the most narrow place is only 10m.


At our right side, you can see a Blue Calico Museum. From Tang Dynasty, the technic of our blue calico had been the international advanced level. If you have interests, you can come here to experience this ancient printing and dying art.


In front of us is a bridge named friendship, standing we have good friendship forever.


City Temple is a temple for Taoism, the citizens and tourists often visit and pray there.


New Happiness Bridge: This is where the inlet of Haohe River. By the pump, the water from Yangtz river was lead to Hao River. In the north, there is a brake to control the water lever. By this way, Hao River was kept as a fresh and clean river. It is a natural oxygen bar for the people living here.


North Hao River Bridge: This is a beton pre-stress bridge with 5 holes connecting city center with industry center.

珠算博物馆: 该馆收藏形态各异的精品算具2000多件,全世界最大的珠算博物馆会让你眼界大开。

Abacus Museum----As you may know that the computer is original from abacus: There are over 2000 kinds of abaci in this museum. Different abaci here show wisdom of the ancients.

和平桥,古代为西门吊桥suspension bridge2002年和平桥拓宽改造时,意外发现一处古城遗址,并在周边土层中出土了大量文物。

Peace Bridge: In ancient time, it is a suspension bridge for defending the city. When widened in 2002, an old city was happened to be discovered. Meantime a lot of antiques were unearthed.


Opposite to the TV tower is a literature square for Nantong peoples entertainment, with an 800 square meter crystal areana, where you can have a date with lovers, dance, sing and organize the ceremony. In Summer holidays, every weekend, there will be social evenings organized by government, schools, institutions.


Music fountain: The water column will go up and down with rhythm of music. You jump, me jump.


Rock Carve: It reflects the history of Nantong culture as well as some people who contributed to Nantong. We want our children, next generation to remember forever.


Five parks area: Which was found by a well-know gentlemen Mr. Zhang jian which encourages Qing government to establish the industry/factory. Five parks is the first public park in China arch. Its open stands that China garden was going from being private to being public.


Mr. Zhang jian, a person with his great contribution to Nantong, has been deeply stamped in the history of Nantong city. 150 years ago, he got Number One Scholar in the royal examination of Qing Dynasty. However he didnt want to work for government due to the rotten dynasty. And dedicated himself into kinds of industries, such as textile industry, education, architecture and so on.

He is a pioneer during that old period. So now Nantong city is famous for a special name “The first modern city of China.


Nantong is also famous for education, sport, architecture, textile, longevity. In 2008 Olympic Game, 3 athletes from Nantong got the golden medals at the same day. A girl is for diving, the other is for swordplay, the last one is for gymnastics.

过了文化宫桥,就进入了南河。游船右前方亲水平台上,在投光灯映照下的是荷兰水利专家特来克的全身铜像。特莱克(18901919),荷兰人。水利专家。其父奈格,是荷兰著名水利工程师,曾应聘任上海浚浦局总工程师。特莱克随父来中国,每每相随左右,学习钻研。后奈格去世,特莱克回国就读于荷兰工程专科学校。学成后,以擅长河海工程继承父业。民国5(1916),应张之聘,来南通任保会驻会工程师,负责保工程。 特莱克逝世29葬于南通剑山南麓。

You can see a bronze standing there. Yes, his name is Telaic, from Netherlands. His father was a famous water conservancy engineer and ever worked for Shanghai water conservancy office. Telaic came to China with his father when he was a child. Later he was employed by Mr. Zhang jian and came to Nantong for Nantongs water conservancy. However Im very sorry that he was so diligent that he got sick illness and went to Heaven at his 29 years old.


Sheen Shou Brede Museum: Sheen shou is a brede talent and was invited by Zhang Jian to be as the schoolmaster of Brede School. In the museum, it collects the artwork ofItaly queen, Jesusthat had got a lot of honor in world exhibitons.


South Hao Villa: It is the Mr. Zhang jian’s former residence. It was designed by Zhang Jians student, Sun Zhixia, also a famous architect. The building has a Chian & Europe style.


Nantong City Museum: Here, you can review the scenes of ancient, modern history of Nantong city as well as her future.

Until now, Nantong has over 20 off museums. If you are interested in this city, Im sure that these museums will give you a full picture of Nantong.


  Hao River is a river of life of Nantong people. From the ancient, laborious Nantong people had been run around it and created resplendence one by one. And this river will still witness the next development made by us and our next generations.

Thank you and hope you have a good night.


