
发布时间:2020-12-14 11:17:12   来源:文档文库   


淋浴喷头:shower 浴室:bathroom 房子:house 浴缸:tub

梳妆台:dresser 洗涤槽:sink 洗脸盆:washbasin 马桶:toilet

你自己:yourself 分享:share 时间表:schedule 第一:first

打扫:clean 在…上面:above 玻璃杯:glass 书房:study

地毯:rug 厨房:kitchen 餐厅:dining room 冰箱:fridge

洗碗机:dishwasher 微波炉:microwave 橱柜:cupboard 厨具:cooker

台灯:lamp 卧室:bedroom 家具:furniture 需要:need

父母:parents 准备:prepare 浴盆:tub 首先:first

野餐:picnic 洗:wash 装包:pack 眼镜:sunglasses

做饭:cook 吃:eat 喝:drink 睡觉:sleep

玩:play 听:listen 修理:mend 帮助:help

汉堡包:hamburger 比萨饼:pizza 香肠:sausage 有趣的:interesting

海豚:dolphin 猩猩:orang 大象:elephant 熊猫:panda

或许:maybe 显示:show 真的: really 猜:guess

聪明的:clever 竹子:bamboo 脖子:neck 山羊:goat

草:grass 江:river 孔雀:peacock 老虎:tiger

狼:wolf 狐狸:fox 骆驼:camel 周末:weekend

买:buy 假期:vacation 法国:France 加拿大:Canada

标志:sign 首都:capital 拜访:visit 在附近near


堪培拉:Canberra 悉尼:Sydney 麦当劳:McDonald′s 伦敦:London

巴黎:Paris 遗憾:pity 历史:history 医生:doctor

有问题的:wrong 感觉:feel 好:well 严重的:serious

药:medicine 更好的:better 服用:take 女儿:daughter

早的:early 习惯:habit 健康的:healthy 欢迎:welcome

学校:school 兄弟:brother 大概:maybe 展示:show

river 省会:capital 参观:visit 新的:new

这里:here 班级:class 年级:grade 朋友:friend

棒极了:great 同班同学:classmate 哪里:where 是:am

是:are 是: is 11:eleven 12:twelve


你的:your 喜爱的:favorite 13:thirteen 科目:subject

喜欢:like 14:fourteen 音乐:mucic 谁:who

15:fifteen 教师:teacher 数学: math 什么时候:when

我们:we 有:have 学科:subject 星期一:Monday

科学:science 语文:Chinese 星期二:Tuesday 艺术:art

星期三:Wednesday 我的:my 他的:his 她的:her

星期四:Thursday 生日:birthday 大的: big 星期五:Friday

蛋糕:cake 星期六:Saturday 高兴的:happy 二月:February

一月:January 星期日:Sunday 16:sixteen 三月:March

日期:date 今天: today 五月:May 事情:thing

收到:receive 17:sevevteen 许多:many 四月:April 18:eighteen 礼物:gifts 六月:June 第二:second 19:nineteen 第三:third 七月:July 八月:August 九月:September 十月:October 第四: fourth 第五:fifth 第十一:eleveth 第十二:twelveth 十一月:November 十二月:December

第六:sixth 第七: seventh 第八: eighth 第九:nineth 第十: tenth 想要:want 漂亮的beautiful 美国人:American 聚会:party赠送: present 卡片:card 唱:sing 歌曲:song东西:thing 我们的:our 他们:they 20: twenty 粘贴:sticker 街道:street

30:thirty 美元:dollar 钱:money 40: forty 词典:dictionary 50:fifty 美分:cent 袜子:socks 每:each双: pair 儿子:son 副:pair 型号:size 小的:small 大的:large 中等的:medium 60:sixty 百:hundred 滑冰:skating 跑:running 网球:tennis70: seventy 滑雪:skiing 跳水:diving 障碍赛跑:hurdles 排球:volleyball 射击:shooting 人:people 家庭:family 90:ninety 80:eighty 哪里:where 书店:bookstore 街:street 看见:see左边: left 银行:bank 车站:station 知道:know 超市:supermarket 警察:policeman 桌子:table 在…下面:under 椅子:chair 放:put 这些: these 水果:fruit 香蕉:banana 那些:those 荔枝:litchi 苹果:apple 菠萝:pineapple 桃子:peach 他们:them 李子:plum 樱桃:cherry 橘子:orange 梨:pear 葡萄:grape 芒果:mango 西瓜:watermelon 正餐:dinner 食物:food 喜欢:like 鱼:fish 鸡蛋:egg 面包:bread 肉:meat 牛肉:beef

或者:or 牛奶:milk 马铃薯:potato 西红柿:tomato 色拉:salad 豆:bean 薯条:chips 是:yeah 想要:want 牛排:steak 奶酪:cheese 皮塔饼:pita 曲奇饼:cookie 咖啡:coffee 猪肉:bacon 饼干:biscuit 三明治:sandwich 我们:we 你们:you 红酒:wine 酸奶:yogurt 天气:weather 今天:today 阳光充足的:sunny 英格兰:England 多云的:cloudy 多雨的:rainy 澳大利亚:Australia 干燥的:dry 重庆:Chongqing 上海:Shanghai

中国:China 热得:hot 寒冷的:cold 暖和的:warm 凉爽的:cool 有风的:windy

春季:spring 秋天:fall 最:best 季节:season 昆明:Kunming 夏季:summer

冬季:winter 也:too 多雪的:snowy 参加:join 我们:us 看见:see 一起:together

公园:park 能:can 和…一起:with 可能:may 说:speak 抱歉的:sorry 呼叫:call

游泳: swim 哪个: which 为什么:why

因为:because 飞:fly 风筝:kite 制作:make滑冰: skate 但是:but 跳跃:jump


袋鼠:kangaroo 美国人:American 说:say 秋季:autumn 英国人:Englishman

做饭:cook 跳舞:dance 画:draw学习: learn 读:read 房间:room我自己:myself

T恤衫:T-shirt买:take 衬衫:shirt 千克:kilo 夹克:jacket 裙子:skirt 毛衣:sweater

帽子:cap帽子: hat 外套:coat 讲:speak

杏:apricot石榴:pomegranate 榴莲:durian 椰子:coconut 柠檬:lemon 名字:name

好:good 早晨:morning 下午:afternoon 傍晚:evening 夜晚:night 好:fine 七:seven 第七十:seventieth 第八十:eightieth 六:six 第六十:sixtieth 一:one 二:two 第二十:twentieth 三:three第三十: thirtieth四: four 第四十:fortieth

五:five 第五十:fiftieth 九:nine 第九十:ninetieth十: ten这: this 狗:dog 那:that 猫:cat 牛:cow 猪:pig duck horse hen rooster chick bird

sheep rabbit color eraser red backpack blue English spell yellow pencil ruler white orange

green black purple black book pen blackboard boy girl begin everyone now tape close door seat open bag answer question can try sorry afraid time breakfast sport supper lunch father photo mother guess she brother aunt uncle sister she he grandpa thirty-nine grandma bedroom where bathroom study kitchen dining-room beautiful bookcase near window lamp on desk in 21st 35th 62nd 45th 86th 91st 42nd 73rd pencil-case



1 phone number 2 Be quiet 3 stand up 4 sit down 5 listen to 6 come in

7 go back 8 turn to page 9 think over 10 get up 11go home 12 go to bed

13 go to school 14 one hundred 15 a lot of 16 very much 17 Help yourself 18 fast food 19 have a look 20 steamed bread 21 fried chicken

22 all the year round 23 have a party 24 would like 25 can not

26 have an English class 27 clean up 28 Let me help you 28 do one’s homework

29 go shopping 30 how much 31 Here they are 32 Excuse me 33 be from

34 have a birthday party 35 New Year’s Day 36 Merry Christmas

37 happy and gay 38 Teachers’Day 39 National Day 40 have got

41 playing basketball 42 high jump 43 ping pong 44 How wonderful

45 sports stars 46 long jump 47go down 48 turn right 49 at the crossing

50 on the left 51 next to 52 post office 53 opposite to 54 in order

55 move to 56 take a shower 57 dining room 58 look for 59 orange juice

60 play card 61 enjoy ourselves 62 be going to 63 on land 64 have a good time

65 on foot 66 Sydney Opera House 67 Big Ben 68 Ocean Park

69 the River Thames 70 the Government House 71 New York 72 the Great Wall

73 the Summer Palace 74 at the end of 75 Washington DC 76 the Palace Museum

77International Hotel 78 have a got fever 79 Don’t worry 80 plenty of water

81 catch a cold 82 have a headache 83 have some rest 84 What’s the matter

84 keep away 85 do exercise


