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增强动态 CT 扫描动脉期肝实质一过性异常强化的临床意义

高回青 1 范国华 2 3 1.苏州市相城人民医院放射科,江苏苏州 215131;2.苏州大学附属第二医院影像科,江苏苏州 215004; 3.苏州大学附属第一医院影像中心,江苏苏州 215006)

摘要:目的 探讨增强动态 CT 扫描动脉期肝实质一过性强化(THPE)的病理基础及其临床意义。 方法 回顾性分 90 THPE 患者,均先行 CT 平扫,分别于注射对比剂后 30 s65 s3~5 min 行动脉期、门静脉期、延迟扫描,分析 THPE 出现部位、形态、各期强化表现及其与肝内外病变的关系。 结果 90 例中,51 例与肝内病变有关,THPE 位于病 灶周围相应叶段或相邻叶段;39 例与肝外病变有关,THPE 以门静脉、肝静脉阻塞和肝动脉-门静脉分流多见,常见相应 肝动脉不同程度增粗。 THPE 形态与病变性质的关系:肝细胞癌(HCC)、胆囊炎/癌以多形态型多见;肝血管瘤、肝内胆管 细胞癌、胰腺癌/炎、门静脉系栓塞/压迫以扇型多见;肝脓肿以叶/段型、扇型多见;肝转移癌可出现扇型、多型态型和弥 漫型;肝内胆管炎、肝硬化、Budd-Chiari 综合征多为弥漫型。 结论 THPE 可见于多种病变,根据其出现部位、形态特征 对了解病变的病理基础和病变定性具有重要的临床意义,有助于选择合理的治疗方案。 关键词:肝脏; 体层摄影术; X 线计算机; 对比增强; 动态; 局部血流 中图分类号:R814.42 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1673-0399(2008)05-0807-04

ClinicalSignificanceofTransientHepaticParenchymalEnhancementin HepaticArterialPhaseDuringDynamicContrast-enhancedCTExamination

GAO Hui-qing1, FAN Guo-hua2, GUO Liang3 (1.Dept of Radiology, Peoples Hospital of Xiangcheng, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Suzhou 215131, China; 2.Dept of Radiology, the Second Hospital Affiliated to Soochow University, Jiangsu Suzhou 215004, China; 3.Imaging Center, the First Hospital Affiliated to Soochow University, Jiangsu Suzhou 215006, China)

Abstract: Objective To assess the clinical significance of transient hepatic parenchymal en- hancement (THPE) in the hepatic arterial phase during dynamic contrast-enhanced CT examination and investigate the pathogenesis of THPE. Methods Ninety cases with THPE were analyzed retrospective- ly. After plan CT scan was done, the enhanced CT scan was respectively performed in the hepatic arte- rial phase(30 seconds after the contrast injection), the portal venous phase(65 seconds after the contrast injection) and delayed phase(3~5 minutes after the contrast injection). The location, shape and enhance- ment feature of THPE were analyzed, as well as the relationship between THPE and lesions in liver was. Results In 90 patients, THPEs were related to hepatic lesions in 51 cases in which the THPEs located next to hepatic lesions and the lesions outside of liver in 39 cases.THPE was often accompanied with APS and the thrombosis or compression of portal vein and it demonstrated as dilatation of the hepatic artery. The shape of THPEs caused by hepatocellular carcinoma, cholecystitis, cholecyst carcinoma were usuallypolymorphous.TheshapeofTHPEscausedbyhemangioma,cholangiocarcinoma,pancreatitis, ancreatocarcinoma,portalveinthrombosisorcompressionwereusuallysectorial,lobarmultisegmentalor sectorial shape in hepatic abscesses, sectorial, polymorphous or diffuse shape in hepatic metastasis, dif- fuse type in cholangeitis, cirrhosis and Budd-Chiari syndrome. Conclusion The cause of THPE is var- ious varied. The location and shape of the THPE are helpful in the understanding of the pathogenesis of lesions and the diagnosis of diseases, which is of important clinical value and was be neficial to choose

收稿日期:2008-04-01 作者简介:高回青(1970-),,江苏苏州人,主治医师,医学学士,研究方向为腹部影像诊断学。 通讯作者:范国华



2 THPE 相关的异常 CT 征象及其与病变性质的关系

门静脉栓塞/压迫 门静脉壁增厚阻塞 肝静脉压迫/阻塞 APS 肝动脉增粗 肝异常血管供血 肝外压迫

癌栓(4)、肿瘤压迫(2 肝脓肿(23)、HCC2)、胆管细胞癌(1)、胆管炎(1)、胆囊、胰腺炎/癌(21/4 肝脓肿(3)、HCC1)、胆管细胞癌(1)、Budd-Chiari 综合征(1 HCC4)、胆管细胞癌(2)、转移癌(3)、肝血管瘤(4)、肝硬化(2 肿瘤、炎症、肝硬化、肝/门静脉阻塞、肝外压迫等(88 膈下侧支血管引流入肝(1)、胆囊静脉引流入肝(1 肝外脓肿压迫肝脏(1 病变性质(nCT 特征

增强动态 CT 扫描时, 动脉期出现肝脏实质一 过性强化 (transient hepatic parenchymal enhance- ment,THPE)现象较常见,该征象与肝内外许多异常 病因有关[1] 笔者通过回顾性分析 THPE 出现部位、 形态、各期强化表现及其与肝内外病变间的关系,旨 在了解其病理基础、 形态学与病因和发病机制的关 系,从而了解病变的血流灌注特点,选择适当的治疗 方案。 1 资料与方法 1.1 研究对象 肝脏增强动态 CT 扫描于动脉期出现 THPE 患者 90 例,其中男 58 例,女 32 例。 年龄 21~82 岁, 平均 53 岁。 肝内病变 51 例,肝外病变 39 例。 1.2 检查技术 采用 GE 公司 Hispeed CT/iHispeed NX/i 螺旋 CT 机, 常规胃肠道准备, 5~10 mm 层厚、pitch 1.0~1.5 常规 CT 平扫。 增强动态扫描采用自动高压 注射器,经肘静脉注入 90 ml 碘对比剂(碘海醇 300 mg/ml),注射速率 3 ml/s,分别于开始注射造影剂后 3065 s 进行动态扫描。 扫描参数:140 kV200 mA 扫描时间为 1.0 s 距阵 512×512 3~5 min 后行 THPE 区延迟扫描。 2 结果 2.1 病例分布及 THPE 强化表现 病例分布见表 1 90 例中,单发 THPE71 例,多 THPE19 例,均表现为动脉期高强化(图 13),门 静脉期有 24 THPE 强化程度稍高于正常肝组织, 其中见正常分布的血管纹理, 延迟扫描所有 THPE 均与正常肝实质呈等密度。 2.2 THPE 相关的异常 CT 征象及其与病变性


