
发布时间:2021-01-21   来源:文档文库   
From the cartoon given above, we can observe that there are many graduates standing in the road. Facing the four junctions at the end of the road , which were written by Chinese characters “ finding a job, pursuing a postgraduate degree, going abroad and starting one’s own business”, all of them seem to be quite perplexed and do not know which way to take. The caption below reads “ Choices”.
The cartoon aims at informing us of the phenomenon that graduates in mounting numbers face many choices but always feel at a loss on how to make them. Some hold that finding a job soon after graduation is an ideal way to enrich social experience. Besides, a large body of graduates also contend that setting up one’s own business is a promising alternative, as it will generate considerable economic profits. Meanwhile, some graduates maintain that pursuing a postgraduate degree or going abroad will put them in an advantageous position in the future employment competition. Confronted with so many alternatives, graduates always doubt whether their choices will produce the maximum benefit or not. Becauseafter allchoices sometimes also mean giving up other possibilities.

When making choices, practically everyone will be confused. What we must do is to choose the things which are the most suitable for us. When it comes to graduates, I think that they should make choices prudently according to their capabilities, experience, interests and long-term life
planning. Never underestimate the power of choicesbecause as the common saying goes, “Sometimes, choices are more important than efforts. ” 参考译文:
这幅卡通画旨在与告诉我们一个现象,那就是越来越多的毕业生面对很多的选择却通常不知道如何做选择。有些毕业生认为,毕业后求职是一个理想的丰富社会经验的方式。另外,一绝大部分的毕业生也认为创业是个理想的选择,因为它能带来巨大的经济利益。同时,也有一些毕业生认为考研和出国能够是他们在未来的职场竞争中处在有利的位置。面对如此多的选择,毕业生们经常会怀疑他们的选择是否能够产生的好处。因为,毕竟选择有时候就意味着放弃别的可能性。 当在做出选择的时候,几乎每个人都会困惑。我们所要做的是选择那些最适合我们的食物。至于毕业生来说,我认为他们应该基于自身的水平、经验、兴趣和长远的人生规划来做出谨慎的选择。拥有不要低估选择的力量。因为常言有云:“选择,有时候比努力更重要!” PART A Directions
Suppose your class is to hold a charity sale for kids in need of help. Write your classmates an email to 1 inform them about the details and 2 encourage them to participate.

You should write about 100 words neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.
Do not sign your own name at the end of the e-mail. Use “Li Ming” instead.
Do not write the address. 命题解析
2020年英语(小作文第四次考察了书信这个题型。属于写给同学的私人倡议信(并非告示。值得注意的是,从2020年开始,考研命题组与时俱进,英语((小作文命题不再使用日常生活中已很少使用的letter,而是替换为大家耳熟能详的e-mail形式。其实没有本质区别,最新大纲仍定义为“私人或公务信函”,写法完全一样。 众所周知,人们生活与工作中均需使用e-mail, e-mail也分为私人与公务两种。私人书信稍微随便一些,可使用3-5次缩写、省略句或口语表达等非正式语言;公务书信稍微正式一些,不要使用非正式语言。
2005年考研开考小作文以来,从未考过倡议信,2020年首开先河。但这话题属于考研写作四大必考话题之“社会热点“(社会公德/爱心这个话题迄今已考察四次:1995年提纲作文“希望工程”、2001年图画作文“爱心是一盏灯”、2006年小作文“给希望工程捐款”。 2020年北京新东方学校面授班和新东方在线网络课堂中,均提供了关于爱心的大量大小作文范文。作者所著《考研英语高分写作》2020111页详细讲解了一篇“爱心”的小作文,161页详细讲解了一篇“爱心”的大作文,几乎全文均可使用。
考研写作要求采用缩进式:段间不空行,每段首行缩进四个字母。因为是写给同学的半正式文体,应写“Dear Fellow Students,或Dear Students,”等较为随意的称呼。首段可实行自我介绍(能够是班长表明写作目的(倡议大家参加慈善义卖;次段应展开具体细节:详细介
绍义卖情况;尾段应再次呼吁。落款应使用“Yours sincerely,”或“Yours faithfully,”等私人落款,不宜写 “Yours truly,”等公务落款,签名切勿写自己的真实姓名,应用“Li Ming”代替。 因为小作文答题卡很小,很多考生将结尾客套及签名挤在同一行或写在空格以下,无需担心,电脑能够扫描到,不会所以取得低分。很多考生并未按照以上要求去写,也无须过于担心,写法有很多种,法无定法、万法归宗。只要切题同时语言简洁、地道,均可取得不错的成绩。 参考范文
Dear Fellow Classmates,
Our class is to hold a charity sale to raise money for those children who are in need of help on January 5, 2020. As the monitor of our class, I’m calling on all students to take part in it.
We ask you to donate as much as you can to a fund we have set up to cover their tuition fees and other expenses. Unless we can raise sufficient money, those poor kids won’t be able to afford their education and finish school.
As a nation renowned in the world for many of its virtues, we Chinese people have been giving a helping hand to those who are in distress throughout history. It’s our duty to provide as much support as we can in this hour of need. Please contribute generously. (132 words Yours sincerely, Li Ming 参考译文

作为一个以很多美德闻名于世的国家,我们中国人民从古至今都一直乐于助人。在这个紧要关头,大家一定要尽力协助他们。最后,请大家慷慨相助。 李明


