language and culture英语论文

发布时间:2023-02-22 16:10:32   来源:文档文库   

The language and the social culture Introduction 语言和文化均属于社会现象,语言是社会文化的要素之一,是文化的载体,文化通过语言的存储与传播而时代相传,两者关系密切。语言是在一定的文化背景中使用的,语言的使用受到文化的制约,不同的语言反映了不同的民族文化差异。由于各个民族的地理位置、历史发展、思维方式、生活习惯、价值观念、宗教信仰等不同,从而形成了不同的文化规范,即所谓的文化差异。文化教会人们如何使用语言,而某些语言形式只有在特定的文化背景中,才能产生相关的语言交际意义。如中国文化经常采取自贬或否定形式回答称赞以示谦虚,而英语民族则采取肯定形式,回答“Thankyou.”
Body 众所周知,人是社会群体组成的主要部分,是人的存在构成了整个社会的形成。从而,一个人说话,交际方式,甚至是生活的习惯,都与之相处的环境是息息相关的。同时,一个人的言行举止,也必然会受到周围环境的影响。不难得知,所谓的交际过程是人们运用语言知识和社会文化知识传递信息的过程。而两个来自于不同区域的人,深受自己所在环境的影响,不管是在说话,处事,生活习俗上,都会存在着极大的差异,所以学习语言与了解语言所反映的文化背景知识是分不开的。
Because the cultural background is different, hold the person of dissimilarity languageat confabulation, even the language be without any error accurate, will also producemisconstruction. Usually say because of a words can not body, make the hearer hold thebelly cachinnation. 1 / 5

The language reflects a characteristic of race and it not only includes history andcultural background of that race, but also contains that viewpoint, life style and mode ofthinking of race to life. An inside country youth arrives a nearby swimming pool to swim, in a short whilecame back, a foreigner ask why, his explanationsay: ” Personin the swimming pool is toomany and water is too dirty, early should change. Be like the sesame sauce cooksdumpling.” AnotherChinese youth smiled, but that foreigner doesn't know that whatsesame sauce is at all with cook dumpling. The basic felling doesn't arrive the slightesthumor. Often said when Chinese met to say "hello" eachother: ” Didyoueat?” Buttheforeigner will think that this kind of hello is tosay:
” Ialso didn't eat and let's walk to eatsome thingtogether!” Thiskind of hello thinks that invites other people to have a meal.Also ever foreign scholars stammer Ba Di4 who just got to China said with the Chineselanguage: ” Youwhy old ask me have already eaten? I am rich." There is Good morning inEnglish, Good afternoon, "you good" in the all equal to Chinese language of the Goodevening. But Good noon, all of Good nights is take leave say of words. At the UnitedStates, often hear the American women talk how the work of her husband make greateffort and do so outstanding, get reward etc..Would also the Kua how intelligent etc. ofown sons and daughters. An American university starts the Chinese language vernacularspeech traing class, there are two teachers to teach and their native languages' talk isn'tall Chinese language. While have a class, the male teacher points oneself tosay: ” Isthis athing?” Thefemale teacher shakes tosay: ” Youaren't athing.” Themale teacher asksagain: ” Areyou athing?” Thefemale teachers answer: ” No, I am not a thing."
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