
发布时间:2014-12-15 19:13:35   来源:文档文库   

t's the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting.
????????“恰恰是实现梦想的可能性,才使生活变得有趣。牧羊少年 Santiago 带着羊群来到一棵无花果树下。

少年:I don’t want to become a priest. I want to travel. 少年把羊群寄放在朋友那里,来到广场,捧着一本书。 撒冷之王:What are they doing?指着某处四个人说道) 少年:working 撒冷之王:hmm……(指着少年手里的书)This is an important book, but it's really irritating. 少年:who are you ? 撒冷之王: (大笑五秒 listen, boy, I'm the king of Salem. My name is Melchizedek. Give me one-tenth of your sheep,and I'll tell you how to find the hidden treasure. 少年:Why would a king be talking with a shepherd? 撒冷之王:For several reasons. But the most important is that you have succeeded in discovering your destiny. It's what you have always wanted to accomplish. And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it. well, you say you want one-tenth of my sheep,but What about one-tenth of my treasure? 撒冷之王:If you start out by promising what you don't even have yet, you'll lose your desire to work toward getting it.
Scene 2 As long as there is beautiful sunshine, the good things will always happen in people’s lives. ??????只要有明媚的阳光,人们生活中就会出现美好的事物。
(少年相信了一个骗子的谎言,他失去了他所有的钱,他哭了。 Santiago believed a cheaters lies. He lost all his money and he cried. But he didnt give up. He was strong. At noon, Santiago stopped in front of the crystal shop.
少年:I can clean up those glasses in the window, if you want.The way they look now, nobody is going to want to buy them. In exchange, you could give me something to eat. 水晶店老板:Do you want to go to work for me? 少年: can work for the rest of today. In return, I need money to get to Egypt I tomorrow. 水晶店老板: Even if you cleaned my crystal for an entire year…you would still have to borrow money to get to Egypt. There are thousands of kilometers of desert between here and there.But I can give you the money you need to get back to your country, my son. 少年:I will work for you. Six months later…… 少年:I'm leaving today, I have the money I need to buy my sheep. And you have the money you need to go to Mecca. 水晶店老板保持沉默。 少年:Well, why don't you go to Mecca now? It is your dream. 水晶店老板:Because it's the thought of Mecca that keeps me alive. That's what helps me face these days that are all the same. I'm afraid that if my dream is realized, I'll have no reason to go on living.
Not all people treat their dreams in the same way. ????不是所有人都用同样的方式对待他们的梦想。
Scene 3
Someone in the world awaits you, whether it's in the middle of the desert or in some great city. ????世上总有人在等待着另外一个人,无论是在大沙漠还是在大城市。
The boy Started the next day, he decided to go across the desert. On the way, he met an Englishman. They went together.when walking to a village, he met a girl. (少女在用陶罐盛水) 少年:What's your name? 少女:Fatima. 少年:That's what some women in my country are called. 少女: the name of the Prophet's daughter, The invaders carried the name It's everywhere.
Next day???? (少年在少女灌水的河边等她) 少年:I came to tell you just one thing," the boy said. "I want you to be my wife. I love you. 少女: (陶罐掉了, 然后水洒了出来, 愣了会) going to wait here for you every I'm day. I have crossed the desert in search of a treasure that is somewhere near the Pyramids, and for me, the war seemed a curse. But now it's a blessing, because it brought me to you. The war is going to end someday. 少年:The dunes are changed by the wind, but the desert never changes. That's the way it will be with our love for each other.
Scene 4 (男孩来到了城堡,那棵无花果树下,带了把铁锹,累得睡着了。 少年:I am exhausted and I need sleep. (第二天醒来,她看了看无花果树,然后开始在树边挖掘……一个小时后,她的身 边出现了个装满金币的箱子。 少年:It's true; life really is generous to those who pursue their destiny.(他 微微一笑)I'm coming, Fatima.
总结:the story is about pursuing the dream and realizing the dream.It tell us the truth that we should stick to our dream and try to realize it. Please be a positive person ! It is just as that said in the book, whoever you are, or whatever it is that you do, when you really want something, it's because that desire originated in the soul of the universe. It's your mission on earth.



