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  1、loser n.失主,失败者,输者

  反义词 是 winner n.胜利者,优胜者,获胜的事物


  词典解释 名词 n. [C]

  1. 遗失者;损失者;损失物

  I found a wallet at the bus stop and then tried to look for the loser.

  我在公共汽车站拾到一个钱包后,便设法寻找失主。 2. 失败者

  Our team was the loser by five points.

  我队以五分之差败北网络释义 loserloser是什么意思

  1. 笨蛋



  http://www.zuowenw.co... 2. 窝囊废



  http://www.fjlcyz.com... 3. 失主


  loser 失主


  Loser是一支来自美国洛杉矶的另类摇滚团,说到Loser这个团名,可能没多少人熟悉,但提起Loser的吉他手John 5,相信很多人都熟知了吧,Loser是由John 5组建的乐团,风格还是走他的另类老路子。   Loser got theirname from memories of guitarist John 5's childhood spent in Grosse Point, MI, where, according to him, kids who played rock music were dubbed "losers." John 5 (born as John Lowery), who had also played for Rob Zombie, Marilyn Manson, and David Lee Roth, started the band when he and producer Bob Marlette saw Joe Grah, ex-singer of Jibe, performing and were immediately impressed by his dynamic vocals and asked him tosign on. In early 2005, the duo added Glendon on drums and Charles Lee on bass, and Loser was complete. Their debut album on Island Records, Just Like You, was set for release in 2006 but was shelved when John 5 left the band to pursue a solo career.   John 5是一个被低估的吉他巨人。 他熔化各式各样的音乐风格,混合和烙记成所他的个人特色。 John 5原名John Lowery,于1971年7月31日出生于美国Michigan州Grosse Point郡,七岁的时后在圣诞节得到一把吉他,从此就爱上摇滚乐,John的父母支持他的音乐志向,Van Halen的音乐给他相当大的启示,精湛的弹奏技巧让John 5成为Marilyn Manson第五任御用吉它手。并曾经担任日本吉他大厂Ibanez和美国一流吉他品牌Fender的形象代言人。